By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “This is how it starts”
  1. These people are the reason we are doomed. When someone can post something like that, and get thousands of likes, it emboldens them.

    Whereas if anyone disagrees with that sentiment, Twitter will ban them for spreading hate speech.

    And, wizardpc. Where are you going to go? What country values individual freedoms anymore? Europe is bowing down to the migrants, and so afraid of backlash from the muslims that they elevate them above the natural born europeans, and the laws of the individual countries. Africa is not exactly the bastion of freedom any more. Asia? Nope. Australia and NZ? Socialist on the way to communist.

    The US is still the last great hope.

    1. Yes. Also, the USA is one of the few countries with a real Constitution (I know of no other, but I haven’t studied across the globe). Some other countries may have something they claim is a constitution but it doesn’t act like ours, in the sense of a binding limitation on government power. Sure, ours is that way in theory but only rarely in practice. Still, it’s there, and it is understood to mean that, and this fact has some impact on the spread of the all-invasive government. The countries of Europe, to pick the example I know best, have no such brake. A particularly good example is the Dutch document, which says that “the people have freedom of speech subject to everyone’s responsibility under the law” (translation: void where prohibited). And to make matters worse, it says that courts have no authority to review the constitutionality of any law or regulation (translation: this “constitution” has no actual force).

  2. So they have (at latest count) 70,000,000 subhuman “monsters” in the US that need to be “dealt with” somehow or other. Wonder how they propose going about that? Especially since there is only 3,000,000 more “decent, right-thinking” people who voted against they. Ah, of course, with all of the mailboxes Trump removed and the massive GOP voter suppression campaign, surely they outnumber us by tens of millions of people who were just unable to vote….otherwise it’s barely 1:1, and it’s hard to exterminate or oppress people under those limitations. Though no doubt they will try very hard, using the power of government, the media and the education system as force multipliers to “cleanse” the nation of the Hateful and Violent.

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