This is Ian Milhiser, he lives in New York City.  He is a pundit with Vox.

Wyoming actually has a population of 579,000 people.  That is a lot more than nobody.  They are American citizens entitled to self-governance in their state and Federal representation through their two Senators and Congresswoman-at-large.

But Millheiser doesn’t like that.  Wyoming has become the butt of many Progressive jokes because it has a population of about a crowded NYC neighborhood and is primarily an agriculture and mining state.  There is nothing Progressives like about mining or agriculture unless it’s some sort of economically unfeasible niche organic urban farming or some shit like that.  Commercial-scale ranching, which feeds a nation and allows even the poorest citizens in the country to afford beef, they hate.

Wyoming is also a fairly Republican state.

Consequently, a New Yorker like Millheiser wants to take away their self-determination and Federal representation.

Subsidizing a bunch of New Yorkers who have the privilege of being able to telework (you know they are not going to get jobs driving haul trucks or blasting coal) to live in vacation ski homes long enough to vote and eliminate the self-determination of Wyomingins is exactly the sort of “those people are lesser than us and should live the way we tell them to live” arrogant condescension that elite educated Progressives have for anyone outside of their class.

You know that those relocated New Yorkers won’t just vote in Federal elections, but state elections too.  Meaning they will come in and vote against mining and ranching and do to Wyoming what Californians have done to Colorado, and put those people out of work.

The one thing that I don’t think Millheiser has considered is that Wyoming is ranked 5th for gun ownership and that the culture of independent self-determination in homesteader ranching culture is very strong (after six years in western South Dakota, I can attest to that).  Maybe he should brush up on what happened to Carpetbaggers in the South before he tried to get Bloomberg to Carpetbag Wyoming.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “This is how they really think of you, they want to eliminate your self determination”
    1. Take up the Progressives burden, send forth the best ye breed.

      Send forth your sons to exile to serve the Democrats’ need…

  1. When I moved to my current state it was deep red. Tuesday it went blue on a national level. Most of that is from the cities, of course, but another chunk is from Dems escaping their cesspool of a state and then voting for the same policies here.

    Fortunately at the local level it still trends red.

  2. The time has come for an organized and concerted effort to turn blue states red.

    The liberals have been doing this for decades. Moving to red states (more like fleeing blue states), then voting en masse to try and swing another state blue. They see no problem with it.

    But, if the conservatives were to start filling up a blue state, say Oregon or Washington state, the liberals would go ballistic about how that proves the conservatives are fascists.

    The problem? Conservatives generally value freedom and individualism over power. While we may not agree with the average leftist, we do not harass them until they come around to our way of thinking.

    Maybe that attitude should change a bit. Who wants to go live in Seattle???


    Well, we are screwed.

    1. The problem is that part of this is just natural movement: people WANT to flee the dirty, crime ridden, over taxed blue shitholes, and they spread outwards from the financial and social pressure to the red states where it’s cheaper and safer and nicer. Where are you going to find tens of millions of conservatives willing to move somewhere nastier and more expensive just for some long term planned political advantage? It used to make sense to move to the cities because the best money could be made there, but with costs and anti-business regulations and social decay, these days, those who can get out, do, more than the rural youth flocking to the cities. And of course you’d have to take all of your colonists from red states that have high red margins and can afford to lose some red voters. Otherwise you are just helping turn the red state blue, by reducing the number of red voters. Of course, we could just just as well by more evenly spreading our numbers out among the red states, to give all the red states a small majority instead of some states having a huge majority while others are barely defeating the Democrats.
      Population is part of the problem though; the blue areas have massive populations, and they are importing more all the time via immigration. They have more than enough voters to spread them out across the country and put every red state’s majority in danger, if they started getting really coordinated about it. So far it’s just kind of an organic thing that is happening, not organized and planned out. Even if we spread our voters out evenly among all the red states to give them all a small majority, the left probably has about enough surplus voters to overwhelm them all if they did the same thing. And they needn’t worry about their own blue states loosing electoral votes, since the whole point is to keep importing millions of immigrants to vote Democrat in the urban areas, sucking up revenue and making quality of life horrible and taxes high, but replacing the middle class blue voters that flee elsewhere so they still have the same huge population and the representation that goes with it. The blue states will stay the same size, while sending an unending torrent of middle class blue voters into all the red states, until they are all blue. Or at least enough of them to make the Republicans utterly impotent, safely to be ignored as they trample all over the nation’s rights. That is, assuming Antifa doesn’t bring about the Revolution before then.

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