From CBS News:

Palestinians hope for “destructive policies of Trump to totally stop

Jordan’s King Abdullah II was quick to congratulate President-elect Joe Biden after the race was called by CBS News and other major media outlets on Saturday.

“I look forward to working with you on further advancing the solid historic partnership between Jordan and the United States,” he said in a Tweet.

That “historic partnership” has been strained in recent years. Jordan opposed the Middle East peace plan offered by the Trump administration, as well as its decision to freeze U.S. contributions to UNRWA, the United Nations agency that helps Palestinian refugees, of whom Jordan hosts about 2 million — more than any other nation.

Muasher said he believes, however, that while the Middle East may rank low on the new administration’s priority list, “a Biden administration is better for Jordan.”

“What we will see immediately is the ditching of the Trump plan and probably the restoration of aid to UNRWA and restarting contacts with the Palestinians.

So Biden is going to restore the Palestinian Authority Martyr’s Fund, which pays money to the families of terrorists who die attacking Israel.  This is why Trump cut aid to them in the first place.

Trump scored major peace deals between Israel and other states in the region.

Biden is going to go back to the anti-Semitic view of Middle East peace that “all problems stem from the way the Israelis bully the poor oppressed Palestinians.”  That was Obama’s guiding thesis and all we saw was war and violence.

If Biden is sworn in, he’s going to coddle terrorists, bully Israel, and set the Middle East on fire again.

Rule of thumb, the guy that the Palestinians want to be President should be the furthest guy from the office.  The guy that the Palesitains hate is the guy that should be in charge.



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By J. Kb