The New wokeness on the Left means that we can’t refer to viruses by location of origin or first identification.  That’s racist.

Can people really keep track of COVID-19 vs COVID-19 B.1.17 vs. COVID-19 B.1.351 in their heads?

No, most people can’t remember more than a couple of telephone numbers.

This is being done to confuse and scare people by drowning them in numbers they can’t keep track of in their heads.

It allows the experts to seem smarter and more insightful.

There is nothing an arrogant expert loves more than making other people feel stupid with technical jargon.

They don’t care about racism.  They just want to seem like smart talking heads on TV.


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By J. Kb

15 thoughts on “This is stupid and confusing and that’s the point”
  1. But Trump supporters, Q-Anon, Republicans, Libertarians, White people, Asians, Jews, Klansmen, or anyone who opposes the leftist hegemony, are all Nazi racists.

  2. But there’s a UK variant. What happened to “It’s not racist if it’s against white people”? There aren’t many countries “whiter” than the UK.

    Plus, naming a virus or variant after the area where it’s first found is a long-standing scientific tradition, and has nothing at all to do with race or the color or ethnicity of the people who live there. It’s just about identifying and tracing the source of the pathogen. No more and no less.

    Insisting on using alphanumerical designations instead of common names is not new, either. Who remembers the H1N1 flu from 2009? Who knows how H1N1 differs from H5N1?

    Under those designations, not many people. But how about if I use the common names? “Who remembers the swine flu? Who knows how swine flu differs from bird flu?”

    For most people, “H1N1” and “H5N1” are meaningless, unpronounceable gibberish. “Swine flu” and “bird flu” are more readily accessible terms for the same damn things.

    The more I hear along this line, the more I think J.Kb is right: It’s not just “not about racism”. More sinister, it’s about keeping knowledge out of the hands of We Little People and firmly entrenched with a few government-sanctioned (and -controlled) “experts”. It keeps the people dependent on the government.

    1. “There aren’t many countries “whiter” than the UK.”

      incorrect statement. The UK may have been bright white ages ago, but decades of allowing unrestricted migrant (asylum seekers) to invade, they are now closer to brown than white. There are areas of London where the white guy is the odditity.

      1. I see your point, and you are correct.

        However, we could make the argument that the UK citizenry, in general, is still very pasty-white. Those migrants are invaders, in an objective sense — they have no demonstrated desire to assimilate or become UK citizens so much as they want to transform the UK into “[wherever they came from] of the North”.

        Just sayin’. 🙂

      2. There are areas like that, sure. But London doesn’t look much different from a US city, as demographics go.

        The problem — both in the US and Britain — is the “elite” disdain for the native-born, their values, and what their ancestors built.

    2. My wonderful wife reminded me of another, subtle variation of “keeping the people dependent on the government”.

      Obama, in his last year or two in office, changed tax regulations to make it easier for grocery stores and supermarkets to write off nearly-expired food on their taxes. The stores just had to donate it to state food pantries or county food shares.

      Sounds great, right? Markets benefit on their taxes and the poor get to eat!

      In practice, it ended a long-standing tradition, at least around here. Markets previously would offer nearly-expired food — still good to eat, but they have newer stuff on the shelves — at a 50% discount (sometimes more). The poor people who didn’t want government assistance could afford to eat on their own dime, assuming they could use the food quickly.

      Without the discount, it’s vastly more difficult to find decent, affordable food without applying for SNAP, TANF, or WIC programs, or at the very least, getting handouts from state or county food shares (and if you think swiping a SNAP card is degrading, try rolling up to the food share for a box of stuff you didn’t even pick out).

      Put another way: Without the discount, you can’t afford to eat unless you depend on handouts from some level of government.

      I firmly believe that was the intention, to increase dependence on the government.

      (Disclaimer and full disclosure: This is not to disparage people who receive government benefits temporarily because they need them; that’s why the benefits exist in the first place. But we were those “poor people who didn’t want government assistance” for a long time, and we were able to make ends meet in part by buying these discounted food items. Families cannot do this anymore.)

  3. What should we call ebola, MERS, and any number of other diseases now that using their area of origin is verboten?

  4. The nanosecond somebody identifies a strain of SARS-COVID-2 that has so much as a single point of differentiation from the baseline virus originating in Florida, we’re gonna have banner headlines in 5,000-point font screaming about the MARALAGO VIRUS!

  5. THIS is why I quit watching the “news” a long time ago. So called “experts” blathering about things they know nothing about

  6. ABSOLUTE MADNESS, madness.

    It’s like living in Political Episodes of The Twilight Zone for gods sake.

    Why in Hell, are We Allowing Lunatics to Run The Asylum?
    Why are The Children in Charge?

    1. Remember that you’re looking at the WHO, which is part of the UN, which is better described as the “dictators of the world protection club”.

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