West Virginia legislature massacred a slew of anti gun bills introduced recently:
Included in the defeated bills are the following:
SB 785 – Would have made a gun owner liable if his gun was taken and misused.
SB 1281 – Would have required “universal background checks” in Virginia.
SB 1136/SB 1232 – Both would have required “universal background checks.”
SB 1012 – To prohibit guns in the General Assembly except by legislators and police.
SB 1148 – Ban on magazines holding more than 10 rounds.
Another bill (SB 1001), aimed at ending the “gun show loophole,” was defeated as well. However, supporters may try to re-introduce it to the legislature, making it a bill Virginia gun owners need to keep an eye on.
Keep an eye on your state’s legislature as it will be the next battleground. Executive Powers are iffy and Congress does not look too good right now for Gun Control (Which does not mean you should lower your guard, keep pounding them) so the Opposition thinks going at state level is the best way to divide efforts and get laws passed. They wanted NY State to be a shiny example and it did became an example of crappy over reaching legislation that now is under review and amendments need to be done because they screwed it up big time.
Good. Now counterattack!
It’s Virginia. Where even quite a few Democrats in my part of the state (near DC) are packing and frequent the Dulles Gun Show. Well, the Democrats I know…
even though I’m an Ohioan my folks are born and raised from the great commonwealth of Virginia, glad to see these failed as I spend a lot of time in Va
The VCDL does good work. I’m so happy to be in Virginia.