Who the fuck thought this was a good ad?

This is clearly aimed at the the radical Left’s “America was never great” retort to Trump’s “make America great again.

Are the Democrats so far in the radical Left bubble that they think this is a winning message for Middle America?

Is Biden such a puppet from being so far gone mentality that he didn’t realize what he was saying?

This is a deeply offensive utter garbage ad.  I really hope people see it and vomit into their mouths at the idea of President Biden who really dislikes America.


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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “This is the worst campaign ad I’ve ever seen”
  1. “We’ve never walked away from it before … but vote for me, and we can!”

    At any rate, that’s the meaning I take away from the title.

  2. Read Kindergarten of Eden, by Ethan Sayat, or watch/listen to the speech that inspired that book. Leftists are children, and they aspire to have a perfect life/country/universe. When that does not happen, it is someone else’s fault, AND, the item that is not perfect must be destroyed.

    Obama ran on a platform of America has been in the front for long enough, and it is time to let someone else lead. He said the US is the greatest country, and ran on a campaign to change that. And, he got elected.

    Yes, the leftists will buy into that ad. The Harris campaign might actually gain a whole lot of voters from that ad.



    Evan starts at about 7:30

  3. I’m not excited about the ad one way or the other. How old must one be to realize that perfection is seldom seen, that no indeed life is not fair. That is the thinking that brought us “participation” trophies. Give the Anti their trophies so they can get back to their latte.

  4. Democrats: “Our country isn’t perfect, so we’re going to discard what we have. Instead, let’s use the ideas that haven’t ever worked at all for anyone else, ever, because they promise a perfect result if we can do it right.

  5. I don’t care if Trump has secured your states EC votes – please still go out and add your name to the list. Remember some retarded states (like mine) have signed a National Popular Vote compact, meaning I’m counting on your vote to get the job done in my state!

  6. I’m not so concerned with Biden as I am with the American people. This is why I’ve encouraged home schooling, reduced regulations and taxation, as well as people thinking for themselves. You see, we have a generation or more of people who grew up being propagandized, so it’s difficult for them in that they don’t know what they don’t know. There needs to be school choice, home schooling made popular, and more people bravely speaking up, blogging, and discussing to bring about better understanding. This takes time. But we do have a president who truly supports the U.S. Constitution and America.

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