Eighteen months ago the CDC was another government bureaucracy that you mostly heard of in the context of zombie movies.

Them came COVID.

Now the CDC has the power to shut down the economy, force you into lockdown, demand you wear a mask, cost you your job if you don’t get a vaccine, and can decide if landlords can evict deadbeat tenants.

Eighteen months ago the CDC going after guns as a public health threat would have generated a few studies that few people would have read.

Today, only God knows what powers the current COVID supercharged CDC has to go after guns.

It was because of the CDC that police filled in skate parks with sand, arrested people sitting alone outside, shut down business, stopped Christians from going to Church, raided Synagogues, and welded the gates of Jewish cemeteries closed.

This is what the CDC can unleash against gun owners.

Then there is the public.

The words “public health threat” have driven people into insanity, grocery shopping in homemade biohazard suits.

Imagine every Branch Covidian having a conniption, streaking about someone else not wearing a mask in public, feeling empowered to do the same about guns because their spiritual leaders at the CDC described guns as the next “public health threat.”

The last 18 months have shown just how much power the CDC has to overrule to US Constitution.  When the Supreme Court told the CDC they didn’t have the authority to extend eviction moratorium, they did it anyways.

This is the agency that will come after our guns.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “This is very bad, terrible news for gun rights”
    1. My thought exactly. The Biden Administration and CDC can ignore statutory law and court order for only so long before the courts slap them down hard enough even Gropey Joe has to wake up and pay attention.

    1. “their lanes” — according to the Constitution, they don’t have one at all.

      Like most other alphabet agencies, the CDC should be terminated with prejudice, its very existence an affront to the Constitution. This particular abuse of power only makes the point more clear, but anyone who can read plain English can see clearly that none of the items in Article 1 Section 8, nor any subsequent amendment, authorize anything like the CDC. (Ditto the FBI, DEA, ATF, Dept. of Education or Interior or Labor or …)

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