A whole host of organizations, including the NBA, NFL, Hollywood, and the DNC, who cannot shut up when it comes to pontificating on the topic of how evil America was and still is, were unable to find the voice to condemn China during the Hong Kong protests.

This is what these people were silent about:

This young man in China is being tortured because he made a joke about the police confiscating mopeds in a chatroom.

That is a “tiger chair” and it is a recreation of a medieval torture device that totally immobilizes the prisoner in an uncomfortable position for hours to days on end.  The Chinese government claims that the chair is to prevent prisoners from self-harm, which is such a ridiculous claim that even the Daily Mail is incredulous, and we all know how much the British allow “health and safety” to impose tyranny on themselves.

The health and safety claims stem from the high number of suicides reported by Hong Kong protesters, however, the evidence indicates that the protesters, like Jeffery Epstein, did not kill themselves but were murdered.

The Chinese government appears to be engaging in the extra-judicial execution of protesters and is using that as justification for torture, all in violation of human rights laws.

Celebrities have been silent on this.

CNN carries water for the Chinese government, dutifully reporting on the dubious suicides with no skepticism.

Politicians like Handicapper General and Supreme Nanny Michael “no more than 10 rounds and 20 ounces” Bloomberg praised China’s communist government.

Tech companies like Google are helping the Chinese government monitor the internet so that the Chinese police can track down people who make fun of them in chatrooms.

United Nations has been busy ingoing this so they can impose more condemnation on Israel.

And the Democrat Party has been busy screaming “Russia” and “Ukraine.”

Why is it that virtually every single person on the Left has turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to this atrocity?

Money, power, and the fact that Orwell was right about the Left when he said “If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.”  And before that, you will be strapped into a torture chair and forced to confess.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “This is what the NBA, NFL, and Hollywood defend”
  1. Remember also that the ChiComs practice “organ harvesting” from dissidents, to obtain transplant material for the elite. And most organs are harvested only from dead bodies.

    1. Are the donors dead when they begin the donation?

      Do you think President Xi and the Chinese Communist Party care?

      1. Of course Xi doesn’t care. Communists (and other dictators) view the people as their personal property, to dispose of at will. But we and our fellow Americans should care, and would care if this were publicized properly.
        No, they aren’t dead before this starts. The whole point is that the setup allows the bad guys to chose which body will be harvested based on a tissue match. No need to wait for the “right” person to happen to die in an accident; just look for the match and take him apart.
        Larry Niven, in a series of dystopian SF stories, referred to these as “organleggers” (a word play on “bootleggers”). He probably never expected to see them in real life.

    2. That exhibit of preserved corpses sliced a d diced to make their anatomy visible? Chinese prisoners.

  2. Not surprising. Not at all.

    The MSM, the National Felon League, the National Buttholes Association, Hollyweird and many leftard *elites* have turned a blind eye for years to the atrocities happening to people in Europe, the middle east & Asia.
    They all waggle their manicured fingers at us deplorables because in their drug-induced fantasy world they imagine they are “our betters.”

    Look at the pathetic MSM coverage of what’s been happening in Iran. It’s been pretty much non-existent. All the MSM & the big city upper crust leftards do is keep whining incessantly “But Truuump! But Ruussiaaa! But Muuuller! But Ukraiiinee! Impeach-Impeach-Impeach!”


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