The War on Drugs failed long ago and we as a society decided it was cheaper to surrender. It is a de-facto legalization which contrary to the promises we were given is also a rotund failure.
The video above is what surrender looks like.
That is no longer the exception but a commonplace occurrence. We have seen videos the streets of Portland, Philly, L.A and other cities where they not only condone but actually embrace the culture under the guise of pity and understanding.

I have no answer and I fear there is none short of collecting all involved (dealers and users) and locate them in an designated drug-friendly area where they can do as they wish till the inevitable happens.

And not one penny of taxpayers’ money goes in there to “help the poor souls” other than daily collection of the bodies and bury them in a mass grave.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “This is what the normalization of Drug Usage looks like. (NSFW)”
  1. I think, at this point in time, I’d be okay with that plan.
    Having been one, I also pity the cart / stock boy who who has to clean this mess up.

  2. All the damage, lost sales, and extra labor cuts into the store’s ability to hire and raises prices for everyone else.

    Crime causes poverty, not the other way around.

  3. Unfortunately that is part of the half ass job we do with everything, the surrender. I don’t trust the gov to not fuck it up at this point, but surely all the insane amount of money spent on the drug we can be used more effectively elsewhere.
    We also have the drug war as one of the ogs to thank for all these wonderful civil liberty violations and curtails we have now.
    Clearly people will consume drugs illegal or not, so why keep doing what doesn’t work and wasting ass loads of money.
    I don’t know the answer either, especially since the gov is not a reliable partner in anything.

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