Remember, this wasn’t happening according to the media.

She got found out and got fired.

When I was in middle school we didn’t discuss sexual topics with out teachers and then draw flags celebrating our sexual identities and neither should kids today.

I’m glad the parents are pushing back.

Fire all the groomer teachers.

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “This is why Florida’s anti-grooming bill is so important”
  1. Middle school kids. 11-14 year olds.

    She discussed her sexuality with 11-14 year olds.

    That’s the part nobody is discussing.

    When the students inquired about her sexuality, the correct response would have been, “My personal sexuality and yours are not appropriate or relevant topics in our art class. Let’s get back to work, please.”

    Instead, she discussed it with an inappropriately-young class, got caught, got fired, and is now parading her “pan-sexuality” as a victim card.

    My other concern is that “probationary period” they mentioned. IOW, she was too new to be covered (read: protected) by the union. If she had completed her probationary period and was a full union member, they’d be fighting tooth-and-nail to keep her employed. Because “LGBTQ rights”, or something, even though her sexuality has nothing at all to do with her firing.

    This is exactly what the Parental Rights in Education bill was for, and why it’s so important. (And also why public-sector unions are mostly FOS.)

    1. “My personal sexuality and yours are not appropriate or relevant topics in our art class. Let’s get back to work, please.”
      I do not care why or how the discussion started. As soon as sexuality became a topic, the adult in the room (apparently, not this teacher) holds the responsibility to end it. There is no reason whatsoever to discuss sexuality, sexual matters, or sex in anyway outside of a biology or health class. End of story.
      “Teacher, I am being bullied because of my sexuality” should result in a talk about bullying, not sexuality.
      “Teacher, what is transgenderism?” should be directed to the parents, or a biology teacher.
      “Teacher, I think I am gay.” should be discussed outside of the classroom, with appropriate adult supervision.
      At no point in my many years of school was sexuality ever raised as a topic. If it was, it was raised in extremely clinical terms, focusing on the textbook and generic discussions. At no point did any teacher ever let a topic, any topic, stray into anything more personal than a “war” story.

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