Joe Biden is a lying snake-in-the-grass son-of-a-bitch.

Remember during the 2012 election cycle, then Vice President Biden told a predominately black audience in Virginia that Mitt Romney was going “to put y’all back in chains.”

That was one of the most, if not the most, despicable things ever said during a presidential campaign.

Biden is now running for President and is back to his old ways of saying things so outlandishly bad and inaccurate, it boggles the mind.

Here is he talking to the Human Rights Campaign saying how the murders of five transgender women of color are Trump’s fault and to prevent murders like these, Trump has got to go.

Here are the names the five black transwomen killed in the United States in 2019.

  • Dana Martin
  • Ashanti Carmon
  • Claire Legato
  • Muhlaysia Booker
  • Michelle “Tamika” Washington
  • Chynal Lindsey

As far as I can find on media reports, none of them were murdered by a MAGA hat wearing Trump supporter.

Dana Martin was killed in Montgomery, Alabama earlier this year.  You may not have heard of this, but if you lived in Alabama, you probably did because of the stir it made that the Montgomery Alabama Police Department had committed the sin of misgendering Martin. reported on this, giving the official statement from the police, relevant text bolded.

“Please note that MPD publicly identified the victim as male as determined by legal documents and forensic evaluation,” said Duckett. “For MPD, how a homicide victim identifies is a personal matter that becomes relevant to our investigation only if it is determined to be a reason the victim was killed.”

So in the early stages of an investigation, the MPD reports the victim as male if the body is anatomically male.  This is where I start to lose it with the LGBT activist community.

“You are bigots, you misgendered her.”

“The coroner marked male on the form because he found a twig and berries during the autopsy.”

This is a lot like what I wrote about not too long ago about gender appearance and medical care.  Actual, factual biology takes precedence some times.

As of the latest news, the investigation is still ongoing with no suspects.

Ashanti Carmon was murdered in Prince George County, Maryland, there are no suspects.

At this point, it is necessary to point out that Montgomery, Alabama and Prince George County, Maryland, are 56% and 64.5% black, respectively.

Claire Legato was shot by John Booth, after an argument broke out between Both and Legato’s mother at the mother’s home.  Legato’s mother accused booth of stealing her tax check.  There is no evidence this shooting was related to Legato’s transgender status.

Muhlaysia Booker was shot and killed one month after she was the victim of a beating, the video of which had gone viral.

“Tamika” Washington was shot in north Philadelphia, there are no suspects.

Chynal Lindsey was found dead in east Dallas.

It remains unclear whether Lindsey’s murder could be related to a string of other deaths and assaults of African American Dallas transgender women, which police have said could be linked. Dallas Police Major Vincent Weddington said last month that Booker’s slaying, the shooting death of a transgender woman in a car in October 2018 and a stabbing attack on a transgender woman last month all have “similarities,” but said investigators haven’t determined definitive links between them. All are unsolved.

What is evident is that all of these victims died in predominantly black neighborhoods and high crime areas.

One murder had nothing to do with the transgender status of the victim.

Because the remaining murders have been unsolved, we can only make assumptions.  But the likelihood that there are a bunch of alt-Right Trump fans who are going out and murdering transwomen of color because of Trump’s rhetoric is slim to none.

For Biden to lay these murders at Trump’s feet and make the claim that he did is beyond despicable.

That the media failed to call him out for it is reproachful beyond words.

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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “This is why I hate Joe Biden”
  1. They are like broken records skipping away on the same ol lies an bullshit. Less and less are listenin. IF we got ALL Americans to vote in 2020 We the People will will landslides. Alas I think it is a dream that all will vote.

  2. Joe Biden is running for a specific reason: To give the media a bright, shiny toy on which to focus while the Democrat Socialists go about their ugly business of selecting the real candidate–someone who checks all the boxes in the Democrat Socialist agenda of globalism, multiculturalism, genderism, racism, and all the other “isms.”

    1. I’m OK with that, I don’t want Biden on the general election ballot when I can have Swalwell. I want the Dems to nominate the most woke intersectionalist whack job possible, with Biden as Veep to piss off the maximum number of voters. Trump is still a lesser evil than anything D.

  3. Here’s the dirty secret of the transgender community that no progressive transgender activist will ever admit: sex work is a common occupation amongst transgender women* and it is incredibly common amongst African-American trans women.

    As anyone who does an academic review of the statistics or just has plain old first-hand knowledge of “the streets” with to illegal sex work comes a whole raft of other illegal activities: narcotics, petty theft, fraud, battery, assault, rape, pimping, and so forth.

    Not every African-American trans woman is a prostitute, but a plurality of them are or were at one point; not every prostitute uses illegal drugs, but a plurality of them do or have done; they don’t all have pimps, but… they don’t all associate with gangs, but… they don’t all get involved in assaults, but…

    Now, I have no actual evidence that these five women were sex-workers who were killed because of or in connection with the prostitution trade. But, yeah, it’s pretty much the top of my list on potential causes of death.

    No one wants to talk about the prevalence of sex work amongst trans women**, which I feel is a huge disservice to the trans community does to itself.

    * that is to say people born male transitioning to female.

    ** yes, some trans men do sex work, but it’s rather rare.

    1. I have thought about this a lot. Homelessness and prostitution are often comorbidities of serious mental illness and addiction, i.e. women turn to prostitution when they are unable to make money doing anything else.

      Of course, addiction is a comorbidity of mental illness, i.e., people self medicate with illicit drugs.

      So with disproportionate presence of tranwomen in prostitution, this makes me wonder how many of these women are trans versus some other mental issue that manifests itself as a desire to change identity.

      There are people who change gender and are otherwise fully functioning. Then there are those who change gender and are walking the streets high on drugs.

      I have come to believe that the way the Left has bought into the trans identity hurts more people than helps.

      Essentially looking at a man dressed as a woman walking the street and saying “she’s trans and does this because society oppresses her and we need to decriminalize sex work” rather than say “this is a mentally ill person who is suffering and perhaps his identifying as a woman is a symptom of some other pathology.”

      1. Not all mental illness is equal, most are as manageable as any physical aliment with proper medication, lifestyle changes, etc. A diabetic needs to monitor blood sugar, adjust his diet, and keep some emergency medicines on hand. A person with depression needs to monitor their behavior (regularly scheduled counseling works best), adjust their daily routines, and use appropriate medications.

        Gender dysphoria is a mental illness, yes, but it’s not the comic book mad-man cackling in the moonlight kind of “crazy” nor is it the Hollywood type deceptive axe-murderer “psycho” kind of crazy. It’s much more like a mood disorder, a compulsion, or a phobia. Things that impact your life, but aren’t really all that big a deal in daily life once you get a handle on them.

        The problem is that too many progressives believe that if you ignore an uncomfortable reality long enough it will just go away… We all know that the problem of fatherless black families is a major taboo topic when discussing race, right? Well, the “LGBT community” has a lot of taboos too.

        The sexual exploitation of teen and young adult gay men by older gay men is one of those verboten topics; the large minority of trans women involved in prostitution is a verboten topic; the disproportionate levels of domestic violence amongst lesbians is a taboo topic; the ongoing efforts of the pedophile groups to be counted amongst the LGBT community is a taboo topic… Islam and homosexuality? The ultimate taboo topic.

        If we just ignore these icky things long enough and hard enough, they’ll go away.

  4. If one engages in high-risk behavior, and being a trans-woman living or working in a high crime area certainly qualifies as high-risk, one should be able to be armed with something more effective than a rape whistle. Yet Sleepy Joe would take away transgender peoples’ right to bear arms in the name of “saving” them.

  5. Not sure WHY but many “transgender” ‘women’ turn to prostitution in order to make money. [to pay for surgery?]
    That’s a TERRIBLE career decision for ANYONE to make. SO damn dangerous.

    “Victim” is their identity of choice for some reason.

    1. Reasons will vary from individual to individual, but I suspect that the fetishized status of “chicks with d%#€s” amongst a certain subset of otherwise heterosexual middle- and working-class men creates some market demand. Likewise there’s still a huge stigma attached to a man being openly homosexual amongst urban African-Americans, so for a black man “on the down low,” a transgender hooker might be preferable to a rent boy.

      Market forces continue to operate even when the state tries to legislate a trade out of existence. There’s a demand for transgender prostitution, so some folks decide to supply it… Same as anything else.

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