The drug touted by the U.S. President Donald Trump as a possible line of treatment against the coronavirus comes with severe warnings in China and can kill in dosages as little as two grams.

China, where the deadly pathogen first emerged in December, recommended the decades-old malaria drug chloroquine to treat infected patients in guidelines issued in February after seeing encouraging results in clinical trials. But within days, it cautioned doctors and health officials about the drug’s lethal side effects and rolled back its usage.

This came after local media reported that a Wuhan Institute of Virology study found that the drug can kill an adult just dosed at twice the daily amount recommended for treatment, which is one gram.

Virus Drug Touted by Trump, Musk Can Kill With Just Two Gram Dose

First of all, who in their right mind is still taking anything coming from China about the virus as tablets coming down from the mountain? Oh right, Journalists in this country because the poor Chinese government, the poor communist dictatorial Chinese government is being bullied by Trump and somebody has to defend them.

And coming on second: Giving twice the recommended dosage is bad? No shit? what part of  recommended dosage you journalists did not fucking get? This a medication discovered in 1934 and has been in the market since which  is a damn great banner indicating the medical community feels safe about the drug used in the established amount.  And why you morons are not asking what the hell was China doing shoving contraindicated 2 grams of the medicine in their patients and killing them when it has been know for decades that one gram is the limit?

Is you hate for Trump so great you are freely propagate Chinese government bullshit to set the nation in panic?  Is your need to claim Joe Biden as President next year so big that you are willing to condemn people to death by ruining the reputation of a possibly life-saving drug?

Dear Bloomberg News: that was almost necrophiliac-level scum you printed. You people are disgusting.

PS: Interesting trivia.

“Just Two Grams”?  Just two grams of ricin is enough to wipe out a family of 5 and just 2 grams of polonium-210 could be enough to: kill 100 million people.

UPDATE: The assholes at MSN also ran with the Bloomberg Necrophilia  Seriously we do not have a press, just fucking propagandists that do not mind if we die.

PS2: I am claiming the coining of the term “Journalistic Necrophiliac” as any reporter and/or editor and/or news personality that supports the death of Americans as long as Trump or the Republicans do not get a win.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “This is why people disdain journalists. Bloomberg News = Scum”
  1. The lethal dose for fentanyl, one of the most popular anesthetics for surgery in the US, is 3 milligrams, so 1.5 thousandths the same dose.

    These people are evil.

  2. How many grams of morphine, routinely prescribed for post surgical pain, is lethal? Note, that Trump is not demanding everyone infected be forced to take chloroquine, only that in combination with another drug it looks promising and needs to be investigated. If Trump had come out and said that chloroquine causes death with only a 2 gram dosage, and therefore he was banning all research on it, MSN and the rest of the fake news mafia would be demanding that pharmacies must give it away to anyone who asks for it. And, of course, any deaths resulting from overdoses would be Trump’s fault.

  3. Maybe Trumpy is only gonna give it to the lbgtqalphabetsoup crowd after he puts em in the gulag…. hahahahaha. They have nothing else to write about so they dream up “orange man bad” lies

  4. “ Is you hate for Trump so great you are freely propagate Chinese government bullshit to set the nation in panic? Is your need to claim Joe Biden as President next year so big that you are willing to condemn people to death by ruining the reputation of a possibly life-saving drug?”

    You already know the answer. They’d be willing to condemn the entire United States population to infection especially since it would in there mind proportionally affect and kill white males and Trump supporters who we already know they want dead.

  5. Are there any prescription drugs that don’t have a lethal overdose, if you take enough? For that matter, there are plenty of OTC drugs that can be fatal in overdose. People have had their livers destroyed and needed a transplant from taking twice the dose of Tylenol, FFS.

    The correct answer to “Virus Drug Touted by Trump, Musk Can Kill With Just Two Gram Dose” is “so f**king what?”

  6. At what concentration of oxygen does it get deadly?

    Is there anything that will not kill you if you take too much of it?

  7. Trump: “Tylenol can help lower a fever.”

    The media: “Trump recommends a drug that in higher than normal doses causes liver damage and possibly death.”

  8. Not to mention that the journalistic necrophiliacs (Thank you for that!!) conveniently ignore the fact that most medications are dispensed in MILLI-GRAMS or MICRO-GRAMS! There’s a reason for that!

  9. “The dose makes the poison”. This is the foundation of toxicology, the science of poisons. First year chemistry, agricultural pest management, pharmacology, etc.
    Journalistic IGNORANCE at its finest.
    Jo Ann, Ph.D. Entomology/Pest Mgmt

  10. One of the things I learned a while ago is whey there is so much “filler” in my pills. The answer is that it is very hard to measure out 10mg of something. BUT you can create a homogeneous mixture of boring stuff and medication much easier. So you mix the stuff 99 to 1 and make sure it is homogeneous. Then your dosage is 1g of the mixture. If that is off by 10mg your dose, instead of being twice as much as recommended it is 1010/1000 or around 0.1mg.

    The reason that some brands of medications are “better” than other (mostly things that are in the health supplement aisle) is that the homogeneous mixture is actually homogeneous.

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