I am sure the same story was similarly published in other media, but this is the one I found first.

An Arizona woman says she and her husband thought it was safe to take chloroquine phosphate as a coronavirus treatment because of statements the president has made.
A man has died and his wife was in critical condition after the couple ingested a formulation of chloroquine phosphate, a malaria drug that has been rumored to treat the deadly coronavirus, that is used for cleaning.

Banner Health, an Arizona-based health care provider, announced the death Monday afternoon. A spokeswoman later said the woman was in stable condition and expected to recover.

According to a hospital spokeswoman, the couple, both in their 60s, took the drug as a “preventative measure” to reduce their chances of contracting COVID-19.

Arizona Man Dies After Taking Drug Trump Promoted As Possible Coronavirus Cure

Damn! How that happen? Did their doctor prescribe the medicine without the proper dosage? What happened here?

The woman told NBC she had heard President Donald Trump talk on TV about chloroquine as “pretty much a cure” for coronavirus. “I was in the pantry stacking dog food and I just saw it sitting in the back shelf and thought, ‘Hey, isn’t that the stuff they’re talking about on TV?’ And it was,” she said.

Wait, what? What was that medication doing back there with the dog food in the pantry?

However, a Banner spokeswoman said chloroquine phosphate can be formulated in different ways – as a human medication, but also as an aquarium cleaner. What the couple had was the cleaner, not meant for humans.

The woman said she and her husband mixed a teaspoon of the substance with soda and drank it.

They drank aquarium cleaner! Are you kidding me? God knows what other stuff it has inside and these two idiots thought drinking it was the right thing to do rather than the Darwin Finalist example it ended up being. You know? Clorox has water, but you won’t see me chugging a gallon of the thing if I am thirsty.

Now, the author of this article,  Jessica Swarner knew this. She knew that the couple drank something not meant for human consumption, yet she chose to carefully word the article in a way that would reflect negatively on the President.  Mention it is not a medication but a cleaner do not happen till the fourth paragraph.  “Arizona Man Dies After Taking Drug Trump Promoted” is not even an ‘accurate but not the truth’ title but a blatant lie.  The President never said that people should ingest fish tank cleaner, in fact he has not even said anything about people taking the medicine but only that he feels hopeful it will help cure the victims of the Wuhan virus.

Fish tank cleaners are used to remove the scum that occur in aquariums. I wonder if there is a version for newspapers because we sure as hell it is needed.

Buddy Robert G posted this in Facebook and it seems to be an appropriate comment:

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “This is why people disdain journalists. The Copper Courier (Arizona)”
  1. This is getting ridiculous.

    I hadn’t thought TDS could get much worse. Turns out I was wrong.

    1. Boris – no matter how low they go – they ‘think’ it is a challenge to find some way to go lower – no matter how deep they have to dig.

  2. Reason #5318008 why the “journalists” of the MSM suck sweaty donkey balls. SMH
    They’re leftard partisan hacks and their lies must be exposed and rubbed their faces.

    Cristism of the media for their misleading reporting is not an attack-on-the-media, despite jourmos insufferable whining about it when people point out their dishonesty to the masses.
    Don’t want to be criticized by the world at large, Mr./Mrs./Ms. “Journalist?” Then STOP LYING and report the all the facts of the news, not your extreme biased opinion. Be a true journalist.

  3. It’s been picked up by Reuters. USA Today is carrying the story – headline and all. Ms. Swarner is a graduate of the ASU Walter Cronkite school of Journalism. Appropriate.

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