From KOIN6 News in Portland:

Iannarone’s tweet of ‘violent despots’ stirs Portland mayor’s race

Just a week before the 2020 election, Portland’s mayoral race is scrutinizing a tweet from the 2016 primary campaign.

Last Friday, Mayor Ted Wheeler’s campaign released a statement taking challenger Sarah Iannarone to task for “writing in violent despots like Ho Chi Minh and Joseph Stalin on her 2016 ballot.” The tweet, from May 1, 2016, also includes write-in votes for Mao Zedong, Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, Vladimir Lenin, plus others.

Most are figures on the global stage responsible for the deaths of millions of people over multiple decades.

Iannarone campaign manager Gregory McKelvey told KOIN 6 News by email that’s not her ballot. Iannarone, he said, “posted the ballots of many of her supporters who sent them in after voting for her.”

This is the Tweet (screenshot but link here):

And the picture expanded:


Stalin, Lenin, Che, Castro, Mao, killed millions.  Roughly 100 million in the 20th Century, combined.

For this woman, who is running for mayor of an American City to say this is her favorite write-in ballot is horrific.

This isn’t ignorance.  She knows who these people are.  She wants this to happen.  She wants the mass murder of her opponents.

Current polls claim that she is tied with Wheeler but a poll from earlier in October showed that she was 11 points ahead.

The seeming majority of Portland voters want a woman who loves the idea of the worst, genocidal, oppressive dictators in the 20th-century being write-in candidates to be their leader.

This is a voting block that hates America and everyone who doesn’t hate it as much as they do.

They will destroy everything they can to get power and will murder countless people once they have it.


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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “This is why Portland has been under siege for months and what’s going on there can’t be allowed to spread to the rest of America”
  1. High time we form the state of Jefferson, incorporating all of Oregon east of the Cascades. Portland can do its own mini Calexit and become a territory.
    I will be happy to sponsor Ish for political asylum

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