This will make it impossible to operate a retail store.

No one will want to work in customer service if this is what gets you fired and canceled.

This helps internet retail because right now having a box dropped on your front step in a non-contact delivery isn’t racist.

As Miguel says, que bueno?


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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “This is why The Bezos supports Woke cancel culture”
  1. And they just set her on the path to be an actual white supremacist/nazi instead of by default.

    1. Exactly. I have pointed out again and again that if you disenfranchise people from their jobs and society over crap like this, you are creating the enemies you supposedly are afraid of. Create someone with nothing to lose and guess what?

      1. Turn the clock back to 1905, when the Tsar & his ministers thought a nice, quick, victorious war with Japan would be just the thing to give their brand a boost.
        Japan had other ideas.

  2. I want more context. Based on what she said, this was absolutely not justified.

    But I’ve known many young people who have been fired from various jobs. To hear them tell their stories, they’re always model employees who were fired for no reason. Talk to their former manager(s), however, and you’ll hear a very different story; chronically late or no-show, slacking off, not doing their job correctly even after repeated correction, disrespecting their coworkers and/or customers, etc.

    On the whole, I’d say it’s possible that she’s significantly exaggerating the lady’s reaction and significantly downplaying any misdeed(s) she may have committed.

    Absent some truly outlandish conduct, looking at someone rudely — even speaking to a customer rudely — usually isn’t a “firing” matter. Not on the first offense, anyway.

    (Another reason why I want more context; there’s also no telling if she has a history of unprofessional conduct she’s not mentioning, and this instance was just the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back.)

    But I also acknowledge the possibility she’s being totally honest and one customer flying off the “racism” handle got her fired. So I’m on the fence about this one.

    But I agree, crap like this is going to make anyone hesitant to work in in-person retail, which just helps the online retailers.

    1. Yes, I say her skirt was way too short and she should not have been in that neighborhood at that time of night.

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