See, what most Americans want is to live with their entire extended family in one small house working a grueling job with no benefits for minimal pay.  Illegals do it because it’s better than the third world impoverished shithole they fled.  A one room apartment in a slum apartment is works better than a corrugated sheet metal shack with no running water or electricity in Central America.  But that’s not how Americans want to live.  So making Americans compete with illegals on a race to to bottom of wages is just cruel to Americans.

Most people sort of understand this but libertarians don’t.

That’s the reason anyone reasonable has left the Libertarian Party and the only people signing up are incels who want to legalize marijuana and abolish age of consent laws.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “This is why the Libertarian party is a joke”
  1. The problem is he forgot to mention the other part of the libertarian answer to immigration. It has two parts, and if you only get one of the two you have a problem. Part 1: open immigration; part 2: no welfare for immigrants.

    18th century America worked this way, and it worked ok. It’s when you offer immigrants lots of freebies that things break. It’s probably not reasonable to imagine going back to the 18th century scheme, but if one were to propose that answer it would at least make logical sense. Omitting the essential half does not.

    1. Also (aside from lack of “free stuff”), prior to the 20th Century travel to the US involved a commitment to stay as it was time consuming, expensive and far from comfortable. People (voluntary immigrants) came with the expectation of staying and building a new life in a new country. Exceptions existed, of course, (e.g. Chinese brought in for railroad construction, etc), but they were fewer than now.

      And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “If you don’t work you die.”

  2. He’s saying — and positing it’s a good thing! — my biggest objection to illegal immigration: the illegals are essentially slaves. “They work harder, but I can pay them less!” isn’t the motto of someone who is approaching hiring as an exchange between equals.

    Which means he’s NOT a libertarian, but some sort of comic-Dickensian caricature of one.

  3. If these folks are so dedicated to being here in the US, why should they balk at following the path to being legal?

    And yes, I agree with J’s point on things being better here than there.

  4. And to add to the discussion, it has reached the point where folks from other countries are being told that the US has free schools, free hospitals, and free food. They know this, they come for this. But as for the labor side for just a second…Joe Corporate Monster does not have to: pay social security and inflated medical to the illegals (Look at your paycheck, see how much of that is bennies, know that your employer pays as much social security as you do and by law, approximately two thirds of your health coverage, that may vary some by state), nor worry that they will go to HR if their pronouns are misused. Joe Corporation does not have to keep separate books to distinguish between full time and part time illegal benefits nor a stable of lawyers.

    But we can and should lighten up on US labor laws which exist only to make it easier for unions to negotiate; while paying attention to what in the hell we let over our borders. It is not a binary solution.

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