Stolen from Reddit:



My dad teaches a Concealed Carry class, and had this one amazing individual show up.

My dad just now got done telling me the story of how he met this certain man. Like I said in the title, my father teaches a concealed carry class, and one day he had this man pull into our driveway. When my dad went to the car, he saw this handicapped man with no use of his legs sitting in the driver’s seat.

The man went on to inquire about getting his concealed carry license because he lives alone in a bad side of town and has had problems with thieves breaking into his home.

The last incident when his home was broken into, the individuals tied his arms and legs together and threw him into the front yard while they robbed him blind. His homeowners insurance has now cancelled his insurance as well due to him getting robbed so much.

This was taken from the class’s Facebook page: “I had the privilege of teaching concealed carry class today to a handicapped man that had been the past victim of violence. He obviously can shoot as well as any “regular” person. He REFUSES to be a victim! He is now certified as proficient, competent, and knowledgeable regarding concealed carry. WHAT AN HONOR to have been his instructor. ”

I just thought it was such an awesome feat to see this level of determination in a person. Maybe I could get some of you guy’s responses to the picture and get my dad to show it to the man, it would probably lift his spirits. It sure inspired me when my dad told me the story, I thought you guys may like it as well.

Let’s see… he must be a bully, a redneck with a thirst for innocent’s blood, an abuser of women and small children, a psycho, an insurrectionist, etc.

It is the Second Amendment the reason that now he stands a chance to face the cowards that go after him because of his limitations. Those who wish for gun control are just accomplices of criminals & killers.

They hate us because we cater to self-reliance.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “This is why we fight…”
  1. “Let’s see… he must be a bully, a redneck with a thirst for innocent’s blood, an abuser of women and small children, a psycho, an insurrectionist, etc.”

    Don’t forget my favorite, he’s ‘compensating’ for something. Yeah like being handicapped maybe? For not being rich and being able to afford armed guards? No, it has to be because of the size of his dick.

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