By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “This is why you don’t resist arrest”
  1. If George Floyd had not resisted arrest, he would be alive today.

    If Rashard Brooks had not resisted arrest, he would be alive today.

    If Michael Brown had not resisted arrest, he would be alive today.

    If Eric Brown had not resisted arrest, he would be alive today.

    1. Michael Brown didn’t resist arrest, but his life did reach a premature end due to a series of bad choices.

      If he hadn’t strong-arm robbed that convenience store…
      If he hadn’t decided he could punch that cop through his car window…
      If he hadn’t decided he could steal that cop’s gun…

      … he might still be alive today.

      All of that happened before anyone attempted to arrest him.

      But your point is valid. Resisting arrest is a quick way to end up tazed (if you’re lucky) or in the morgue (if you’re not).

      Even if it’s an unlawful or wrongful arrest, don’t resist. The right time to resist is in court later, when you challenge the legitimacy of the arrest while demanding six-figures in damages.

  2. Watching Australia me thinks resisting should be done aggressively and with large firepower, the cops have no legitimacy because the government is evil and corrupt, so they have become mercenaries for tyrants and deserve condemnation al throughout western societies.

    Complying will not save you from eventually the end of the road on a camp for having the wrong thoughts or not injecting yourself with experimental gene therapies forever.

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