It’s not the glaring hypocrisy where people who have been calling for lockdowns because they can make seven figure incomes giving Zoom speeches or live off royalties can have a party while the rest of us have been forced to live under economy crippling restrictions.

It’s not that Obama has a massive party while his former Vice President threatens us with more lockdowns.

Its that we’re  just bitter that we know that we’re dirt people who are too dumb and uncultured to be allowed to hang out with Obama and the Hollywood glitterati.

Every day these people push me further and further from conservative to Pinochetist.

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By J. Kb

12 thoughts on “This is your media”
  1. So pro democracy Joy thinks we have a problem with Obama partying but not bikers? Maybe because bikers aren’t telling my brother that he can’t go to his cancer treatment.

  2. John Lewis got to have hundreds of people attend his funeral. My father did not even get to have me, his only son, attend his funeral;

    Barrack Obama got to have hundreds people attend his sixtieth birthday party on August 4th. My daughter didn’t get to have anyone outside her household attend her twelfth birthday party on August 1st;

    Kate Brown has never missed a paycheck. I’ve been collecting unemployment insurance since April 2020; and,

    Kori Bush needs to spend my annual salary on hiring private, armed security guards. But she insists that defunding the police is something that must happen.

    They’re patricians. I’m just a plebeian… and it seems like they’re damned determined to make themselves aristocracy and make me a serf.

    1. Kori Bush also insists that we, the plebeians, do not need and should not have firearms to defend our lives, at the same time she’s spending a fortune on hiring armed guards to defend hers.

      Come to think of it, all your examples say that.

      Kate Brown, IMHO, is the worst, having signed into law the “universal background check” (a.k.a. ban private transfers) bill. As a self-proclaimed member of the LGBT community (she claims to be bisexual), she should be acutely aware of how vulnerable that community is to hate, bigotry, and violence. So naturally, she makes it that much harder for them to get defensive firearms and instruction (borrowing is no longer an option), while she herself enjoys a 24/7 armed State Police protective detail.

      “Progressives”: If it weren’t for double standards, they’d have no standards at all.

  3. Hmmm…..

    Does that tweet strike anyone as a bit childish?

    “You are just jealous!”

    Yeah. Joy Reid is a toddler. Confirmation tweeted.

    1. “Does that tweet strike anyone as a bit childish?”

      Ummm…. It’s a “Progressive” lashing out on Twitter. “Childish” is a given. 😉

  4. Pinochetist, that is brilliant! I’m going to have to borrow that & go change my party affiliation.
    Right there with you regarding the child rapists, i.e. woodchippers and/or issue hunting permits. (Make that PPV & inject it straight into my veins.) I also understand Miguel’s stance against forays down the path of vigilante justice; he has practical experience with this type of society & the dark places it leads to that most of us lack. My opinion is that kid diddling should always be subject to vigilante justice & I’m not sorry for holding it. And as a general observation, the further our country goes down the road of a two-tiered (or three-, or no-) justice system the more vigilante justice will be viewed as, not only acceptable in all cases, but as a moral imperative. We’re seeing this on a small scale with antifa, what circle of hell will America become if their ideology & methods are truly writ large?

  5. Dear flaming hypocrite bootlicker,
    Did you get invited to hang out with cool kids? I thought not, but then you lack the self awareness to consider that you or your graven idols are wrong. You cannot comprehend that the ire we feel is because the ex-president is partying with people who have forbidden us to attend small family gatherings and is hosting a super spreader event. You don’t see the aristocratic contempt of people who demand we sacrifice our modest lifestyles to “save the planet” flying around in private jets or riding helicopters from their mega yachts. In any other time this party would be a non-event, idly noticed on magazine cover in the supermarket but this week the wealthy and connected indulging in what they rush to forbid others from doing is an outrage.
    Best Disregards
    The People.

  6. ENOUGH!! ENOUGH with the bad news! How about something sweet? A shout out to Chrissy Tiegen, who, at the Obongo birthday party, passed out free razor blades, in case any of her young followers wanted to slash their wrists? See, she wants to give something back! And Oprah offered to interview anyone who followed Chrissy’s advice, as they were dying, to give them their fifteen minutes of fame. Who says the left is heartless?

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