If you missed the news, Leftist jumped on a conspiracy theory that the Republicans were admitting to being Nazis with a wink and a nod because the stage at CPAC was an Odal Rune associated with the SS.

It wasn’t.


The most important lesson from dekulakization, the struggle sessions, or Che’s firing squads is that the Left never stops canceling once they purged the Right.  They will also purge the middle and non-radical Left.

It’s beyond time for the non-crazy left to fight back against cancel culture.

This should be a lesson to all of them.

Unfortunately, given yesterday’s news about Dr. Seuss, they won’t listen to it.


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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “This should be a lesson to the Left but they won’t listen”
  1. Ah, but the “CPAC used Nazi Imagery for Its Stage” story is out there and will never go away.

    That was the point. The masses don’t care who the design company is and I doubt this revelation will reach 10% of the audience that the original story did.

  2. The design company might not have realized there was a resemblance to Nazi symbols, but I am sure the Republicans did, and they selected that stage for exactly that reason.

    See, easy to dismiss the issue, save face, and still blame the Republicans.

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