The wide use of cellphone cameras and people recording the police as brought to light many cases of police brutality resulting in bad cops getting punished.

That is a good thing.  I want dirty, abusive cops off the streets.

However, there is a dark side to this, and it is a tactic currently being employed by the protesters.

Here it is in a nutshell.

    • Protesters scream, curse, and spit in officers’ faces for twelve-plus hours of riot duty.
    • The officer has spent all day in the sun in his riot gear baking, catching an unbelievable level of abuse, and is down to his last nerve.
    • Some protester gets right up in the cops face and does something that causes him to react with force.
    • The Twitter mob shows ONLY the cop’s response and not the three days worth of around the clock abuse he’s just taken.
    • The cop is immediately doxxed and targeted and Leftist politicians demand his firing.

This is a perfect example:

The internet has already identified this offer and branded him a white supremacist.  I won’t share those Tweets but they are in the thread of this Tweet if you want to look.

Then there is this:

To which AOC responded:

None of these Leftist politicians mentioned how ANTIFA was throwing Molotov Cocktails at police cars with the police inside.

When NYPD are in their cars, having objects thrown at them, knowing that other people had just attempted to burn some other NYPD officers alive, you’d expect that they wouldn’t want to sit there and let protesters box them in until they were lit on fire.

That part of the story is not told.

This is cop baiting, pure and simple, and the protesters are using every ugly aspect of cancel culture – manipulated cellphone footage gone viral and internet sleuthing – to destroy police.

The cops that are working to control these riots are being stabbed in the back by Leftist politicians, aided by gotcha cancel culture activists.

I suspect the next thing will be the police just walking away.  If they are attacked in front by dangerous rioters and in the back by Leftist politicians they have no choice but to give up.  Fuck it and drive on.

Spread the love

By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “This tactic is going to cause the police to abandon cities to the mob”
  1. Do you know how you end this rioting? Trump should come out and simply say that the police have abandoned you your mayors have abandoned you and that your safety is in your own hands. Basically say what we already know. But this is where it gets interesting. He should say that if a business owner shoots and kills looters attacking them and their business, if homeowners shoots and kills rioters attacking their homes he will personally pardon every single one. He will presidential pardon people that defend themselves. And then do it. A business owner defending his business while rioters try to burn it down while he’s inside the building? Go and just shoot at the mob within full intent to kill. The police arrest them and Trump PERSONALLY parsons them. The only people that would complain or the people that want Trump dead anyway. He would not lose any support he would probably gain support.

    1. I thought that too, but facts on the ground contradict: it did not work for Atlanta, GA, despite all appropriate laws in place. I wonder why.

  2. Something about sowing the wind comes to mind. Can’t put my finger on it. Maybe it’ll come to me.

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