I have said this before, but I am compelled to say it again.

I have rescued abused dogs.  Abused dogs fall into two categories, those who crawl on their bellies around people totally submissive and those who become hyper-aggressive towards people.

What we are seeing right now is a group of radical Leftist activists turning the death of George Floyd into an opportunity to abuse their neighbors.

I have not heard one person on TV say that the officers who killed George Floyd shouldn’t have been fired and charged.  Every level of government, all the way up to the President, has condemned this act and is seeking justice through our judicial system.

The crowd has jumped the gun and started their civil unrest before the justice system started to work.  This is one of the biggest differences between today and LA in 1992.  Those riots started after a jury decided not to convict the officers that beat Rodney King.  Today, the riots began right away.

The riots are only the tip of the iceberg.  The internet hate mob is equally destructive, going after people who criticize the protest or fail to show enough fawning obsequiousness for the movement on their social media.

What has been highlighted by the media are white people who have been reduced to groveling on their bellies.

National Guardsmen who took a knee with protesters when they were supposed to be protecting cities from rioters.

A police chief who got down on his belly before the protesters.

White people on their knees begging for mercy and forgiveness from black people for crimes they did not commit.

And perhaps the most degrading of all, white people washing the feet of black people as an act of contrition.

These are guilty white liberals who have been reduced to the abused dogs crawling on their bellies.

The racial grievance crowd does this because in the words of George Orwell:

Always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless.
If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever. ”

This is the intoxication of power.

I promise you, the other side of the coin is still there.

Nobody is asking “what  about the people who think George Floyd’s death is wrong, but also don’t support the rioting, and don’t want to dedicate their Facebook pages to #BLM or wash people’s feet and are terrified of having their lives destroyed for it?”

This is the base that will go the way of the hyper-aggressive abused dog.

I am absolutely sure the goal of the Left is to kick off a bloody race war, because they have to understand that there will be a backlash to this and it will not be pretty.

Spread the love

By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “This trend is going to end poorly”
  1. Problem is if a “race war” started liberals would only win in areas like portland(maybe they win, maybe)All over the REAL America anyone tried to start something it would end real quick. No one with a lick of sense wants to go to war on color. War on liberals more likely.

  2. The modern man knows that there is only one time in his life that it is appropriate to kneel, and that is when he is asking God for forgiveness for what he is about to do to His enemies. – Adam Piggott

    1. Well … I knelt when I proposed to now-Mrs. B. So I think there is an exception.

  3. I’ve seen several lawyers say that Minnesota AG Keith Ellison is over-charging the cops involved and he’ll never get convictions on second degree murder or higher. I suppose that should be qualified with if an honest jury is empaneled.

    Which means there will be a replay of the Rodney King riots in a year or whenever that trial concludes.

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