According to People Magazine, Chasten Buttigieg, the husband to former Democratic Presidential Candidate Pete Buttigieg is writing a memoir.

It is titled I Have Something to Tell You.

The man is a 30-year-old middle school teacher in an Indiana town of 50,000 people.

What the fuck does he have to write a memoir about?

I Have Something to Tell You: A Memoir

“I let a famous politician bust a nut inside me.  I decided to write this book so I can cash out from his fan base.  Also, Mike Pence hates me (even though he’s never been anything but polite to me).  The End.”

It can’t be anything more than that, can it?

In a way, I can’t blame the guy.  This is the new racket.  Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, Kamala Harris, there is a growing list of people who have built a financial, pop-culture, and even political carrier from the humble roots of letting some more charismatic person jizz in them.

The problem I have with this is that this is America.  We fought a war so we wouldn’t have to listen to someone whose only qualification is being some leader’s dick receptacle.

I cannot abide another person becoming an influencer or policymaker just because they were the cock repository for a popular politician I never voted for.

This trend really needs to stop.

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By J. Kb

17 thoughts on “This trend needs to stop (Language Warning)”
  1. His book will end up like hillarys- on the dicount store shelve in droves for 2.99. Politics is nothing more than assholes gateway to money

    1. Exactly. No one is forcing you read the book and you’ve already paid more attention to it than it deserves. It’s like dog crap on the sidewalk; avoid it and keep on going.

    2. It doesn’t work like that.

      Think about all the money Hollywood lost making anti-war movies that insulted our troops and made Muslims the victims during the Bush years. Every one of those movies lost money but were still made.


      Because that money goes to prosthelytize Progressiveism to the ignorant flyover masses and put money in the pockets of influential people.

      Did Chelsea Clinton ever do work to justify her huge salary at NBC or McKinsey? No. But that was money to the family of an influential person.

      The money lost on this book will be made up on the sale of other books and this book will serve to fatten the bank account of the Buttigieg family and put out more gravitas for a future political run.

    3. Problem is that the publisher has already gotten paid for the initial run. (If I understand correctly…) Pre-orders and estimated sales of this (and other crappy useless books) generally are sufficient to justify a publishing run. Additionally, best sellers will provide the publishers with enough capital that they can afford to lose some on this tripe.

      So, just not buying these is not going to stop them from showing up every time there is a flash in the pan getting a lot of press.

  2. Now, if you want a Real book to read, in non-fiction category, read Kimberly Strassel. I highly recommend “Resistance (At all costs)” and “The Intimidation Game” — these are thoroughly researched books, showing just how dangerous the Left has been, is, and will be, to the core foundations of our great Republic.
    I strongly recommend that you buy them —and after reading them, you will want to give copies to anyone you know who may be sitting on the fence.
    Of course, a dyed-in-the-wool socialist (communist) won’t bother reading them.

  3. Mayor Buttigieg is about six months younger than I am, Mr. Buttigieg (né Glezman) is eight years younger than I am…

    Mayor Buttigieg’s entire life from high school on seems almost perfectly calculated to make himself into an nationally electable politician: valedictorian of his high school class, winner in the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum’s Profiles in Courage essay contest (for a hagiography of Sen. Sanders no less), magna cum laude undergrad at Harvard, Rhoades Scholarship to Oxford, and then a few entry level jobs in local politics, and then a lucrative stint as a corporate lawyer (making a pile of cash and a lot of connections, but otherwise ignoring this decade of life when talking about his bio later), and then he volunteers for a desk job in the Navy Reserve…

    …Although I will begrudgingly admit that he didn’t just work a desk in the Navy Yard or Pentagon. He deployed to Afghanistan for seven months and although he mostly sat at a desk in Bahrain Air Base he did go into the field on multiple occasions. Not often and never on a combat mission, but it did happen…

    Then he leaves the Navy and runs for mayor. Then he skips the next logical step – no doubt inspired by the fawning attention Robert Francis O’Rourke got – and runs for President of the United States. He probably planned to follow the path of Barrack Obama and run for a state office, then congress, and the President. But sensing the progressive thirst for someone to beat Bad Orange Man, he jumped the queue.

    There is a part of me that wonders if his “coming out” in 2015 and his marriage to Glezman in 2018 wasn’t also a calculated part of making himself look electable. In 2015, Buttigieg was 23-24 years old, finished with school, established in his corporate lawyer gig, and already a commissioned Naval Reserve officer, DADT was dead, and America had long sense gotten used to the idea of openly homosexual people. He risked very little by “coming out” in 2015.

    Same sex marriages had been legal in Indiana since 2014 and the Obergefell decision made same sex marriages legal nationally in 2015; yet Buttigieg and a Glezman didn’t marry until 2018… not coincidentally after the Democratic Party electorate had steered hard into Identity Politics mode and a cishet white dude from Indiana wasn’t going to be acceptable. But a gay dude would be perfect.

    Let me be clear, this is all just speculation and not a serious claim. I have no evidence and no support for this theory other than looking at his C.V. and the dates of various events in his life and thinking “Huh. That’s weird.”

    But, well, as a openly bisexual man of roughly the same age and from roughly the same region (I grew up a lower-middle-class Michigander in the suburbs, he grew up an upper-middle-class Indianate in the suburbs) who has been “out” since high school and who got married to my husband in 2014, it just seems odd to me that Buttigieg didn’t “come out” until so recently. The late Nineties and early Aughts were when the last big push for acceptance of homosexuality was being made… and Buttigieg wasn’t there.

    I loathe the Leftist trope of “authentic minority experience” bullshit… But, well… Buttigieg didn’t ever live life as an openly homosexual man until long after homosexuality had become an acceptable part of American culture.

    It’s weird, man.

    1. Don’t forget that he’s a good looking white man but why being gay he could claim oppression points.

      It’s too perfect.

      I loved Tucker Carlson’s approach to Mayor Pete. He said Pete was as perfectly engineered as a Dem candidate could be.

    2. I think you hit the bullseye here, everything was carefully planned for power. The only big mistake in Buttigeig’s career was McKinsey, after the hit piece in the Atlantic. That right there is a deal breaker and should be used as a bludgeon forever. His gayness is irrelevant to me, and as you point out he came late, after the hard work and suffering, when the risk was gone.

      1. I believe Buttigieg was counting on a compliant media simply ignoring that part of his biography. They ignored similar periods of Warren, Gore, Harris, and Kerry’s C.V. after all… and god knows they ignore massive chunks of Hillary Clinton’s work history.

        Buttigieg probably figured he’d take the job, make a few million, a second- or third-string newspaper would run a story about McKinsey early on in the primary, and then the first-string media and his campaign staff (but I repeat myself) would be able to say “Oh, that’s all been disclosed already. That’s old news. Only Fox News wingnuts care about that now.”

        And to be fair, that mostly worked, very few people on the Left noticed or cared. Buttigieg’s problem was mostly one of timing… He needed to run for Senate in 2020 and then shoot for the presidency in 2024. He over estimated his chances and jumped the queue.

  4. Having read commentary by folks like Sarah Hoyt and Larry Correia, I suspect no small fraction of these books get published by publishers who want to build up their Progressive cred.

    It doesn’t matter if it makes much money, the point is to virtue signal. Similar to what the CEO of Dicks did when he stopped sale of ARs and lobbied for gun control.

    The solution is still to not buy the books … but this trend will stop only when the publishing houses’ boards step in and stop the nonsense. Or the house folds due to lack of revenue.

    Or we reestablish a tradition and culture of modesty and humility. Yeah, right, who am I kidding?

    1. I worked as a manager at a Waldenbooks (remember those?) my first couple years at university. We’d get a box full of political biographies and campaign books* every election year around mid-summer… We’d prop thirty of them up on the end-cap display (because the vendor paid us to), maybe sell one or two, and dust them every weekend. Shortly after Labor Day, we’d take them all down and restock the end-cap with whatever the latest pop-history Americana book was going to be the hot gift item for grandpa that Christmas (‘The Greatest Generation’ was a perennial favorite). The rest of the books would be packed up and sent back to be pulped.

      Didn’t matter the political party, didn’t matter the political office, didn’t matter the quality (or sheer lack thereof) of the ghost writer: These books do not sell.

      They’re a slush fund donation from the multimedia conglomerates that own the publishers to the politicians. The actual book is a waste product, like the gamma rays that fly away from nuclear fission.

      * Children’s books that are “written” by political spouses are the same thing. They tend to come out around Easter and don’t get an end-cap. They still don’t sell, but they come in smaller quantities and don’t take up as much shelf space… So they tend to stick around longer before getting pulped. We had Chelsea Clinton’s book about Socks the White House Cat on the shelf until 2004!

      1. I have fond memories of Waldenbooks from my youth … spent most of my allowance and summer-job money there and other bookstores.

        Re gamma rays … come on, they’re useful. You just need to respect the Roentgens, is all.

  5. It doesn’t matter if you-all don’t buy the books. Someone will buy mountains of them, as a way of funneling money to this or that D.

  6. It doesn’t matter if nobody reads the book because the publisher pays an advance, so the politician/”author” gets the money up front. They’re all ghosted; the “author” doesn’t write the book, and probably doesn’t even read it. Book contracts are just the newest form of graft. In the old days a cigar-chomping lobbyist used to drop an envelope on the desk; in these modern times a publisher does the lobbyist’s work for him.

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