You knew this was happening.  The video just confirmed it.

They’ve been saying that the American flag is a symbol of oppression for a little bit.  Now they have the inclusive pride flag to replace it.

It’s on TikTok now.  It will be mainstream policy before the midterms.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “This will be mainstream Democrat policy by midterms”
  1. Let’s see- as is usual when I see a white woman that’s virtue signaling this hard, I’m going to venture that she’s probably not LGBTQXEIO*, is from a privileged background, is dreaded by any BIPOC unfortunate enough to know her**, and is an absolute Karen to every single service industry person she has ever encountered.

    *and if she claims otherwise, it’s because she once got drunk and made out with a chick during her college days.

    **because she basically word vomits “White Fragility” all over them, and doesn’t want to talk about anything else.

  2. Aw, you think we’re actually going to make it to late 2022 without everything going to shit and catching fire.

    That’s adorable.

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