The Guard in DC:

9/11 happened during my freshman year at college.

I remember visiting a buddy in NYC who was in my high school graduation class.  His first job was there after he finished college, so this was four years after 9/11.

When I got to NYC, there were still NY State National Guard patrolling the big train station and at a few important locations around the city.

I suspect that once the Guard has been deployed to DC for the new “war on domestic terror” it will never fully go away.

They will claim that the Biden Administration needs continued protection after the inauguration and DC will be patrolled by the Guard for years to come.  Not at the same numbers, 20,000 troops in that small of an area is pretty packed in.  But I would venture that somewhere between 2,500 and 5,000 troops will be on permanent DC patrol for the next four years at least and the concertina wire will never fully come down.



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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “This will be permanent in one way or another”
  1. Now, now, the most popular president needs an army to defend him at all times. To suggest otherwise is white supremacy and needs to be cleaned!

  2. Those numbers are pretty bad when you consider that the Post-Civil War occupation force in the ENTIRE ex-Confederacy was only something like ten thousand men, a goodly portion of whom were busy keeping the indigenous population (“Native” Americans) at bay.

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