Holy fucking shit this actually happened in court:

The entire jury now knows what sort of piece of shit one of the guys Rittenhouse shot really is.

He threatened to murder his brother and threw a chair at his grandmother and forced her to clean his house.

I would almost guarantee that there is not a juror in that box a person watching the trial  that doesn’t thing Huber deserved a couple of freedom seeds and the world is a better place without Huber in it.

I thought this was in front of the jury. It was not.  However, I suspect that the way the judge has been deciding, I suspect at least some of this will be presented to the jury.  If Binger tries to portray Huber as a good guy to the jury, the defense may be allowed to counter that.

If ADA Binger wanted to make it look like Kyle shot an angel it may open the door to Kyle’s lawyer making it look like Kyle was out there doing God’s work taking out the trash.

Either Binger is the dumbest person to pass the bar or he’s a secret Kyle fan and is setting up the defense with easy ways to score points with the jury.

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By J. Kb

11 thoughts on “Thomas Binger is either the dumbest lawyer in the history of District Attorneys or is a secret Rittenhouse fan – corrected”
  1. Unfortunately, those statements were not made in the jury’s presence. It was lawyers and judge only.

  2. J.KB, here’s my guess: This prosecution was purely political, as you’ve pointed out, brought by a county DA who probably had aspirations to higher office. (Maybe he still does, but after this farce his political future may be deservedly on hold, if not dead altogether.) In any event, my point is that, having brought the charges, and having then failed to obtain the quick guilty plea he probably expected, he didn’t have the balls to try the case himself. Instead, he dumped it on one of his assistants, and probably told the guy his job depended on it. Then, if my guess is correct, the DA started micro-managing the case over the guy’s shoulder, which would explain some of the really, really dumb things they did in the past couple of days.

    It’s also entirely possible that the ADA is an honest enough man to have realized that the evidence for self-defense is overwhelming. Thus, perhaps he is going through the motions, so to speak, following his boss’s instructions even when they make the state look incompetent, knowing that his chances of actually getting a conviction are rapidly evaporating with each state witness.

    Or else, he really is just a dumba$$. 🙂

    1. Yes, I was surprised the actual DA did not try the case. Maybe he is just an elected Bureaucrat and talking head with the staff doing all the hard work?

      In the Zimmerman trial, Angela Corey was all over the TV and Newspapers, but Bernie DeLaRionda actually tried the case, and LOST.

  3. Except this discussion did NOT happen in front of the jury. The jury officially knows nothing about Huber’s scumbag behavior.

    When the prosecution tried to bring it during the direct examination of Huber’s Aunt (Not Mom?), the Defense objected. They sent the jury out and discussed whether the Aunt could relate a story about Huber running into a burning building to rescue people, showing how he was good person trying to stop a homicidal maniac / Kyle Rittenhouse. The defense asserted if this previous unrelated behavior is allowed, then they should be allowed to bring up the knife, etc. The judge said he would allow either both testimonies or neither. The Persecution wisely decided to not pursue that line in front of the jury.

    Similar mistake by the ADA Kraus. During the direct of Rosenbaum’s Girlfriend, he asked if Rosenbaum had taken his “meds” that morning. OOOPSIE! That allowed the defense to ask the judge to send out the jury and the GF witness, and then discuss if they could then ask about Rosenbaum’s use of psychiatric meds, They brought back GF, and asked her about Rosenbaum’s meds. She was able to name them and the purpose, so the defense was able to cross examine her about the drugs IN FRONT of the jury. Now the defense can bring in an expert to discuss the psychiatric medications. I do not know if they will be allowed to discuss Rosenbaum’s domestic violence and rstraining order?

    My take? The people that ATTACKED Kyle Rittenhouse were violent, troubled people.

  4. Something to keep in mind: the mayor, prosecutor, and detective assigned to the case are all related.

    1. Kenosha Mayor John Antaramain has been mayor of the city for six terms.
      The lead detective in the Rittenhouse case is the mayor’s nephew, Benjamin Antaramian. The mayor’s cousin is Kenosha City Attorney Ed Antaramian. Mayor Antaramian’s nephew is Kenosha City Judge Michael Easton. Another nephew of his is State Representative Thaddeus McGuire. Another cousin of his is County Board Supervisor Laura Belsky, the Kenosha County Eye reported.

  5. I’ll meet your ADA and raise you the stupid prosecutors in Seattle, Chicongo, Houston, New York Shitty, LAsshole.

  6. The prosecution’s done enough damage to itself as is. They had to reel the whole character issue back in fast because the defense was over there giggling and getting ready to annihilate them

  7. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: It doesn’t matter what the prosecution does, how much facts are piled up saying the defendant is innocent, it only matters how intimidated the jury is to ‘make the right choice’ and declare Kyle guilty.

    Witness the Derek Chauvin trial. Proof beyond the shadow of a doubt that St. George of Fentanyl dirtnapped himself with his own drugs and there was nothing anybody could have done, maybe not even if George had self-slabbed while in a world-class trauma center with the finest doctors attending. Yet what was the verdict again after the defense proved Derek innocent? Yeah… Control the jury, by intimidation, by threatening the jury members’ livelihoods, their families and one can control the outcome no matter how bad the prosecution is.

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