Let me go over some things about Nikolas Cruz and the State:
-Family and Friends knew he was unstable. They did nothing.
-Social Services knew he was unstable to the point of cutting himself. They did nothing.
-Teachers and the School honchos knew he was dangerous to even ban him from school and sent emails warning about him. They did nothing.
-Police went to his house 36 times after an equal amount of 911 call. They did nothing.
-FBI was warned twice about a potential school shooter. They did nothing.
And it is all my fault because I am a Gun Owner?
Fox Trot- Uniform
You are just trying to deflect responsibility because once again Gun Free Zones were proven not only useless but deadly. The Gun Free Schools was signed on 1994 and proven wrong in 1999 with the Columbine shooting. But for some reason, it is still the law of the land rather than getting rid of it like an old carton of milk.
But School Shootings make for great headlines for News Media and gets great fundraising to the Gun Control organizations.
We could have armed teaches in Florida four years ago. They let the bill die. The school did not even had a Resource Officer (armed cop) on campus, just like two-thirds of all the schools across the nation.
But, again, that is my fault as Gun Owner.
I live 600 feet from an elementary school. I have a neighbor whose kids go to that school. If some lunatic were to attack, legally we (and I include many neighbors that I suspect are armed) are not allowed to help hunt the asshole because it is a felony carrying a 5 year sentence. The father won’t give a shit and go after the shooter without thinking, but the rest of us will pause and have to decide if our freedom is more important that the lives of children.
That should not be an issue. Good people should not have to be forced to face the possibility of losing freedom for doing the right thing.
It is like the State wants desperately to make sure the conditions are proper for a School Shooting and piling up as many corpses as possible.
It is like the State wants desperately to make sure the conditions are proper for a School Shooting and piling up as many corpses as possible.
State? State and who else?
San Bernardino (known to FBI)
Orlando (known to FBI)
Fort Lauderdale Airport (I think there’s a a pattern here So, )
Garland Texas
Sutherland Springs Texas
Charleston SC
Now Parkland Florida.
Every time the FBI or some LE/FED agency has known about these people and ‘dropped the ball’
Dropped the ball my ass.
Once is Happenstance, Twice is Coincidence, the third time is Enemy Action (and those that know me, know that I don’t believe in Coincidence, so…….)
Make your own conclusions.. As for me; Something Stinks.