The only people who stay in the military after this and are more than a year or so from retirement are Leftist true believers and bureau-weenies who want military experience for political credentializing.

The government will have to get military personnel from somewhere and so the military will be made up of only the people who have confidence in the Biden Administration, and you can just imagine what those people think about you.

That was the whole point all along.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Thread confirms that this is the end of the US military as we’ve known it”
  1. As I said early on when the “stand down” happened, the ultimate purpose of “wokeness” in the military was to drive out all members who would refuse to obey illegal orders such as to confiscate weapons from citizens and/or to round them up and send them to work/death camps. All is proceeding as planned.

  2. If this is the plan, they didn’t think it through to its logical conclusion.
    Those leaving the armed forces because of loss of confidence in the leadership are not going to just disappear into their rocking chairs.

  3. Lt. Col. Scheller is standing up publicly, the only one I am aware of whom is doing so publicly and willingly paying the price for personal honor and integrity. If the plan is to remove people of this character from the services and replace them with “woke” boot lickers, that plan should become just as FUBAR as their plan to exit the Stan has proven to be.

  4. It’s always been one of the deepest regrets in my life that I didn’t get to serve; I tried to enlist but got permanently disqualified due to something about my tendons (my private practice doctors all disagreed, but the doctor at MEPS was the sole decision maker). I’ve encouraged both my daughters to consider the military as a career… and my eldest, who is starting high school later this week, has spent the summer trying to plan what she needs to do in order to apply for a slot at Annapolis in four years.

    It absolutely kills me that, in just the last few months, my parental “protect-child-at-all-costs” instincts are screaming at me to keep her the hell away from the United States Naval Academy… and, indeed, probably the entire military.

    1. Ish, at this point and time, as much as it pains me to say it, listen to your gut and protect your daughter.

    2. I started ROTC as a freshman in college within a week of 9/11.

      My biggest regret in life was getting disenrolled from ROTC on a medical disqualification.

      Now I’m glad I didn’t serve and get wounded or disabled to accomplish nothing except make a bunch of MIC contractors and flag officers rich.

      Keep you kids away from the military. Maybe in a generation things will change but for now they will be cannon fodder so some general can get a spot on a contractor’s board when he retires.

      1. I suppose the problem could be fixed in less than a generation: fire everyone who wears a star and all DoD civilians with comparable rank.
        Then erase the PC crap, reinstitute the “no pictures” rule, and promote combat-qualified colonels to flag rank.

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