Remember back in 2018 it was revealed that Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein had a staffer for 20 years who was also a Chinese spy.  Feinstein in on the Senate Select Intelligence Committee.

She was shocked.  Shocked.  When the FBI told her about it.

Next, we find out that since 2018, the FBI has been investigating Hunter Biden because of his business dealing with the Chinese government.

The FBI never bothered to tell anyone about it because the DOJ didn’t want to influence the election.

Now we discover that Congressman Eric Swalwell, who was absolutely sure that Trump was a Russian agent, was in fact being played by a Chinese spy.  The Congressman, who is a member of the House Intelligence Committee (which is ironic because Swalwell himself has a tepid IQ) refuses to say if he ever dipped it into Winnie the Pooh’s honeypot.  Which means he absolutely did.

Swalwell is pissed, pissed that… the story that he was probably banging a Chinese spy while he was on the Intelligence Committee was leaked to the press.

Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. The third time it’s enemy action.

We know that China is our enemy.

What is disturbing is how easily Democrats with important access are compromised by the Chinese governemnt.


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By J. Kb

10 thoughts on “Three times is enemy action”
  1. That is because they are greedy and often led around by their genitals. I believe the phrase is “A dick dragging around a useless body.”

  2. Not surprising at all. The “do as I say” crowd. No morals, thirst for power, greed for money. Not many are immune to it. I read something years ago, dont know if its true- 80% of chinese in this Country are willing or unwilling spys for ccp.

  3. And when you’ve been putting up with “strike four” since January of this year….(remember where the China virus originated)????

  4. I assumed they knew that they had contact with various spies and didn’t care. They hate the US so much that they gladly sell it out to communist china.

    The sex and money for doing so is just a bonus.

  5. To be honest, if the picture I am seeing is actually of the Chinese spy, I kind of don’t blame him for having a bit of chinese take out.


    Whenever the Democrats and News Media accuse anyone of anything, you KNOW they are doing the same exact crimes.

    This has been proven true again and again, from Bill Clinton trashing business and Wall Street while they were scheming with Whiterwater real estate and cattle futures to our latest example of accusing PDT of foreign entanglements while Democrats are wholly owned agents of China and Communists.

    Their accusations are proofs of their own crimes.

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