By J. Kb

13 thoughts on “TikTokers are stupid”
  1. She’s sitting in a car using power. She is drinking from a plastic cup with a plastic straw with a paper wrapper. The fluid in her drink was made from some sort of heat processes with ice.

    She’s likely created a larger CO2 foot print (never call it carbon foot print, it isn’t carbon they are worried about) than the actual launch did.

    Now, I’m sure that the energy required to collect (you don’t make elements normally, don’t have the right word) the O2 and H2 get them in liquid form and transferred to the rocket is more than she used, but the actual launch is pretty clean.

    And here is the thing, that billionaire already gave her more than she has ever even dreamed of giving to world. He’s employed thousands of people, he’s created the worlds largest store, he’s revamped the idea of “quick delivery” such that people are upset if they can’t get their goods delivered to their door steps the next day.

    1. One could make liquid oxygen and hydrogen without burning fossil fuels, though it’s not the cheapest option. But electrolysis of water works fine. Liquifying requires compression/cooling cycles repeated often enough, which can be done by electrically powered machinery. I’m not sure if that’s how it is done for large quantities; Larry Niven’s wonderful SF book “Fallen Angel” speaks of a jet fuel powered “turbo expander” for making liquid H2.
      BTW, “Fallen Angel” is great. It’s a very entertaining take on the green nutcases, still bleating about global warming as the glaciers move in to cover Fargo and blizzards hit central WI — in September.

      1. The liquefaction process uses rapid expansion of a gas to cool the gas. Various stages of compression, expansion and heat exchangers “pump” heat from the cold side to room temp. Eventually the gas is cooled enough to condense into a liquid. Similar processes for liquid can then be done starting at the boiling point, some vaporizes and the rest cools further. This, simplified, is how any cryogenic liquid is produced. It’s a mechanical process.

        Whether the mechanism is powered by electric or combustion engines is a different question. (Electrical can be a little simpler depending on the system design, as combustion tends to produce lots of heat so putting a combustion engine inside a “cold box” to drive that last step can be counterproductive.)

        1. In the 1960s and 1970, Philips (the Dutch electronics company) got into Stirling machines. Not as power sources but as cryogenic coolers. I’m not entirely sure why, but they cranked out some nice machines. One would fit on a sturdy desk and crank out a gallon of liquid air per hour, running on a couple kW of three-phase power. A slightly modified one would produce liquid nitrogen by distilling the liquid air. A two-stage version would liquify hydrogen or neon; a pair of those plus some extra hardware would liquify helium. I remember one of those in the local university physics department, it fit in a 10 by 10 foot or so room. They also had some smaller units for military portable use, down to backpack size — at least in marketing flyers. Unfortunately I no longer have those…

      2. I just finished reading _Fallen Angel_ a month or so ago. Darn good book. Written 20 or 30 years ago and it reads like it was written yesterday.

        Yes, you can make H2 and O2 from electrolysis. You could do it all powered by 160W solar panel. The problem is that it takes a boat load of energy to make enough, a boat load more to get it down to LOX and Liquid H2. It takes a boat load of energy to keep it at those temperatures and pressures prior to launch.

        Generally that is done by burning some sort of high energy fuel.

        If all you need is a balloon worth of H2 for some science experiment, then electrolysis will work, if you want to power something with that H2, you need more.

  2. Whateva….. back in the 90s here all the tree huggin enviroterrorist were screaming about PAPER bags and clear cutting forests to make them… NOW its ZOMG PLASTIC BAGS(which they replaced paper with) lets use PAPERBAGS !! Oh and lets CLEAR CUT a forest to put up plastic solar panels….
    Oh and carbon dioxide is what allows trees to give off oxygen…

  3. Carbon footprint of burning hydrogen depends on where you get the energy to separate the hydrogen in the first place. Just like the carbon footprint of electric cars, all-electric kitchens, electric yard equipment, electric airplanes, and all that other Green Stuff.

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