By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “Till it is time NOT to be nice”
  1. Let me be blunt. The fuckhead fucked around and found out. Actually I’m surprised Dad waited as long as he did.

  2. If this is in England, the dad will probably be charged. Force used in self-defense is essentially illegal.

  3. As near as I can tell: Coach (purple shirt) asked shirtless chav to leave his property. It appears shirtless was busking from the comments I heard.

    Shirtless refuses, gets mouthy, and Coach gives him a pretty direct attitude adjustment.

    Sadly, I suspect Rick is right. After all, it’s much safer to arrest law abiding citizens than violent criminals.

  4. With the budget cuts to police, it won’t be long until you’ll simply drag the asshole to a dumpster and throw him in it.

    Even if a cop comes by it’ll be “I dunno what happened. Looks like he fell down.”

    1. I was cleaning my pistol*, he ran around the corner and hit my hand and it went off. I was so startled, I reflexively kept clinching my hands and it went off five more times. Is he okay?

      *if I had a pistol, lost them all in the boating accident. Note to self, find somewhere to buy a gun. And ammo.

  5. This is Formerly Great Britain.

    Coach will go to prison. Chav-boy will sue his Family and win.
    IMO Mom should never had released the video. And she should have definitely cut the part where Coach put the boot into the guy on the ground.

    In a civilized part of the world, Coach would get a medal.

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