Miguel has posted some videos of other crazy Leftists the last few days.

Then there is this:

We talk about politics.

These people are fanatical believers in a doomsday cult.

These are not people who are Democrats the way we (most of us) are Republicans.

These are people who are Democrats the way the ISIS are Muslims or the people at Waco were Branch Davidians.

For them, this isn’t just a SCOTUS seat.  This is the death of a living God to be replaced by an agent of Satan.

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “To understand the Left you need to understand this one thing”
  1. You have it nailed. This is what happens when politics becomes your god. Everything becomes a religious activity. You’re exactly right – even the most fervent Trump supporter doesn’t see him as a living god (far from it), despite the nasty statements to the contrary by the Leftists. We’re living in very scary times. ISIS is a very appropriate comparison. There is nothing many of these Leftists won’t do to get their way. They have nothing else. If there’s no Heaven (it’s easy to imagine, if you try…) then politics on earth is all-important. Buckle up.

    1. The “Trump God Emperor” memes were just that – memes. It was fun and satire.

      The left can’t do satire and they are incapable of political humor. So it’s no wonder they take such things seriously.

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