SUNRISE, FLA. (WSVN) – Hundreds of people converged in Sunrise to hear President Donald Trump speak, as hundreds outside the venue came together to protest the campaign rally.
Trump holds campaign rally at BB&T Center as hundreds protest outside
Hundreds came to hear the President? The BB&T Center holds 20,000 people. Here isa video of the “hundreds” that were lining up and going inside the place.
Small Crowd heading in for the Trump Rally tonight in Florida 🙂
— Matt Couch ? (@RealMattCouch) November 27, 2019
The picture below was taken about an hour and a half before the beginning of the speeches.

And wee bit more full sometime after:
Biggest Crowd to date and the Media including Fox News doesn’t want to show you this MASSIVE crowd in Broward County for President Trump
— Matt Couch (@RealMattCouch) November 27, 2019
Yeah, hundreds came to see him. Damn dudes, you are resentful little pricks, ain’t ya? This is why used car salespeople have better trust value than congresspeople and journalists.
Urinalists: “Maff iss HARD!”
Oh, did I spell that wrong?
Only way Trump loses in 2020 is via massive, unprecedented voter fraud. The Democrat candidates routinely hold events and literally only get a few dozen people. Each Trump rally is larger than the last.
New math!!
OK, not defending, but…. 20,000 is hundreds. It happens to be 200 hundreds, but it is still hundreds.
On the other hand, the democrats pull some 700 people to fill an auditorium and the media gush about how they are getting record crowds.
If the Dems win the Presidency in 2020 it has to be because of massive voter fraud. They are just not pulling the numbers. Their frontrunners can barely fill a VFW hall. Combined, Biden, Sanders, Warren, Mattress…. errr…. I mean Harris, Buttsex…. errr…. I mean Buttigieg could not fill a Chucky Cheese, but Trump is pulling crowds that overflow major stadiums.
Oh, I dunno…It seems as there are enough Dhimmirat candidates to nearly fill a small Chuck E. Cheese.
Oh, you meant SUPPORTERS?!?
That’s different.
Never mind!