From the Twitter:

As reported by Fox News:

Trump campaign donating meals to hospitals during coronavirus crisis

The Trump campaign has been donating meals to hospitals across the country to feed doctors, nurses and first responders on the front lines of the coronavirus battle, Fox News has learned.

Since last Thursday, President Trump’s reelection campaign has been calling up local restaurants and ordering large amounts of food to be delivered to more than a dozen hospitals in New York, New Jersey, Washington state and Michigan. The campaign has been placing these orders anonymously, but Fox News learned about the effort — and sources confirmed it.

One source told Fox News that the campaign was looking to not only express gratitude for first responders treating patients with COVID-19, but to support local restaurants.

This is Trump’s reelection campaign.  Not the White House, not the Federal government, Trump’s campaign.  This is money that comes out of his election war chest.

Fox News confirmed that as part of the donations, an anonymous individual placed a large order at Giovanni’s Italian Deli in Secaucus, N.J., to be delivered to Hudson Regional Hospital.

“They only told us their first name,” an employee of Giovanni’s told Fox News on Thursday. “They called us, and they had us donate meals for the nurses and doctors — an assortment of things, 40 platters of pasta, salads, sandwiches.”

The employee added: “We’re happy to do it. Trust me.”

The manager of Antonio’s Trattoria, in an interview with Fox News, said that a man called the restaurant Monday to have “100 individual orders” delivered to Lincoln Hospital in the Bronx.

“It was 20 penne vodkas, 20 pastas with tomato sauce, 30 chicken parmesans, and 30 house salads with grilled chicken,” the manager told Fox News. “He only gave his first name and said he wanted to remain anonymous.”

This is money Trump could have spent on ads or oppo-research or anything else, but instead, his campaign is buying thousands of dollars worth of food from local restaurants and giving it to hard-working medical staff.

How has the TDS internet responded to this?

Take a guess.

Absolutely nothing makes these people happy.  They are human shit-stains on the fabric of society.  They don’t donate themselves but they are happy to shit on the donations of other, richer people, for not being enough.

It’s not just Trump, the other day Jeff Bezos announced that he would donate $100 Million to the food bank organization Feeding America.  That is One Hundred Million Dollars.  One Hundred Million Dollars.  Say that out loud so that it really sinks in.  One Hundred Million Dollars to food banks.

There is a lot of shit that Bezos does that this damnable, but not this.  This is praiseworthy.

Not for the internet armchair socialists.

I think one of the things I hate about the internet is that people like this have always existed, but before Twitter and Facebook, all they could do is sit an bitch about how other people were not doing what these shit-weasels though was enough to their immediate friends – assuming that they had any.  Maybe one in a million had the gall to write a letter to the editor voicing their shitty opinion.  But with 30 seconds of tapping a finger on a smartphone screen, they can force their shitty opinion on the rest of the world.

This is why I am getting so fucking sick of the news.

There is a crisis going on, some of it very real, some of it manufactured, but nevertheless there is a real and disastrous effect happening to this country.

It has inspired the best in some people.

Bezos is under no obligation to feed anyone but his family but donated One Hundred Million Dollars to feed strangers he will never meet.

Trump, under politics as usual, should have spent that money on his reelection campaign, but instead supported small business, independent restaurants, and health care workers, anonymously.  And you know CNN and MSNBC won’t report this story.

But all some people can do it bitch about it.  What is worse, is that there are politicians out there, like Bernie and AOC who listen to these people and are supported by them.

Really, all I want to do is take these people out and drown them in a bucket of water.  Just hold their heads down in a five-gallon paint bucket of water until they stop moving.  They add nothing positive to society and we have no room right now for people who exist only to pick apart the fabric of our nation.

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By J. Kb

11 thoughts on “Trump vs. Anti-Trump – a test of character”
  1. “…shit-stains on the fabric of society”

    What an epic line and apt description.

    I’ll be using that, a lot, in the next few weeks.

  2. As I’ve said previously, If Trump came up with a cure for cancer, the headline the next day would be “Trump’s incompetence kills quadrillions of human cells overnight, minority cells hardest hit.”

  3. I HAVE THE BUCKETS!!!! Well said Sir. The internet is home to world class shit stains. No matter what anyone does they will let you know it aint enuff. We the People have yhe option of ignoring them. Bravo to ALL who are doing something to help!

  4. Point on the social media is valid and well taken. Have been thinking the same thing lately.

    Without twitter, facebook, instagram, etc… stupid ideas would get a very limited audience. And, that audience would likely stop the stupid in its tracks.

    “I am going to mock Trump for feeding the people working in hospitals.”
    Anyone within earshot:
    “Seriously? This is tough times, and they are working under tough conditions. Getting a free lunch is a huge morale boost. What have you done?”

    And…. odds are the average idiot would shut up. However, these days, that same idiot does not tell a family member or coworker about the criticism, instead they post it on line, and literally thousands of other idiots reply positively. Idiots that would never have actually met in any other way.

    1. Social media is the anti social distancing of stupid ideas. Now idiots can share their dumb shit with other idiots and you get a pandemic of dumb shit ideas. Before other non dumb people would stop the spread of those ideas.

      1. The thing that amazes me most about social media, in particular Twitter and Facebook, is that so many people think their opinions matter.

  5. A good comeback to these evil tweets would be “What has the Biden campaign done?”
    We know what the Bloomberg campaign did with its leftover money. Rather than giving it to a worthy cause, it went to the DNC.

  6. Has anyone considered the possibility that they are simply trying to denigrate the efforts merely for the fact that these are RICH INDIVIDUALS helping out fellow Americans DIRECTLY of their own free will, and not .Gov dole-money stolen from those rich men (and everybody else), which of course flies directly in the face of their belief of “Greedy Rich Man Bad, Benevolent Big Brother Good!”

  7. “And you know CNN and MSNBC won’t report this story.”

    No, CNN is too busy reporting on how coronavirus is causing the Earth’s crust to shake less.

    Not joking:

    (Note: The article has been updated. The original title read, “The coronavirus pandemic is making Earth shake less,” but they changed “shake” to “vibrate”.)

    Leave it to CNN to root for the coronavirus … to reduce anthropomorphic global shaking. Or something.

  8. “Absolutely nothing makes these people happy.” That’s what I concluded a long time ago about the SJW types. Nothing you do will make them happy and satisfied that the world is now right. So, why deal with them at all?

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