Back in the 80’s when I was at University payday always meant a trip down the main drag of collage town.
The trek started at the music store, went to the second music store, followed by the book store, and ended at the ice cream parlor.
There I would have my shake and start reading the latest book I had pulled off the “new arrivals” shelf.
But when I got home, that was when the music went on. I would sit and listen to music from good speakers and good CD player and escape.
One of the artist I stumbled onto was Kate Bush.
She was recently rediscovered when the show Stranger Things featured her music.
Hope you enjoy a trip back in time or if this is your first time, some exposure to that old timey music.
I actually can’t stand that song. She sounds so screechy in it. Placebo did it better.
Too electronic for me.