I have a lot of Respect for Tulsi Gabbard.  There is a reason she didn’t get ahead in the Democrat primary, she’s too honest and decent for that party.

Former Democrat Presidential Candidate Warns of ‘Police State’ – Cites Certain Democrats and ex-Spies Colluding with Big Tech

In a dramatic new video, former Democrat Presidential Candidate and ex-U.S. Representative from Hawaii, Tulsi Gabbard, warns of a ‘police state’ being planned by certain Democrat politicos and members of the national security and intelligence community. She is raising this alarm as certain elements in government and industry are using the January 6 Capitol riot as an excuse to enact draconian suppression tactics to quash political opponents.

In her video, Gabbard specifically mentions former CIA Director John Brennan and House Intelligence Committee Chair Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), two leading anti-Trumpers and proponents of expanding the U.S. surveillance state against its own citizens. She calls the Brennans, Schiffs and ‘oligarchs’ in Big Tech “domestic enemies” of the United States.


She knows the people in her party and she is warning us about their true intentions.

How did America turn into a tyrannical, one party, police state?

Slowly at first, then all at once.

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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “Tulsi Gabbard tells the truth about what’s going on in Washington”
  1. The longer I watch the more I think my inital hunch that the rioters were let in to make political hay is correct.

    1. They were let in and at 2, possibly 3 points of entry, dramatic showings of resistance played out to affect confusion. The seeds of tyranny have been planted.

      Tulsi knows. She may have known for some time. She seems to want no part of the “game”. She is willing to talk about it. How far will she go, or get, before she is shut down…….

      Challenges are coming. And cancer sucks. On the personal level and in government.

      Nous Defions

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