SALT LAKE CITY — While Monday night’s protests in downtown Salt Lake City ended much more peacefully than Saturday night, the situation may have been drastically different if not for the investigative efforts of West Valley police and the FBI.

“They probably saved a lot of lives,” said West Valley police spokeswoman Roxeanne Vainuku.

Two men with numerous weapons who were allegedly on their way to the protests in Salt Lake City were arrested Monday. Four weapons — including an AK-47 and an Uzi with a silencer attached — were recovered from a vehicle, Vainuku said.

Two men with numerous guns were headed to Salt Lake protests, police say

And here are the mugshots!

That is 100% genuine redneck White Trash…. if you squint really hard and it is outside in a very bright summer day.

In the home of Yuri Neves Silva, 27, of West Valley City, more weapons were found and seized.

Silva had posted “multiple threats of violence against police, specifically Salt Lake City police and West Valley City police” over social media and “encouraged others to take up arms against police as well, and had reportedly listed the names and addresses of specific officers to be targeted,” she said.

The Narrative is under attack because it is hard to go against evidence like videos of Antifa destroying businesses and attacking people, but that does not mean the Media will not fight to keep pushing their given script.  And we just need to keep pouncing back.

Hat tip Mark C.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Two armed “White Supremacists” arrested trying to infiltrate Utah Floyd March”
    1. Well, you just have to view “white” properly – like through a prism. Then you get:

      Rainbow supremacy!

      (Cue chromatic aberration jokes…)

    1. What, you haven’t seen all the claims by various leftists that it isn’t them doing the rioting and looting, it’s “white supremacists” running false flag schemes?

  1. Ay! Criauturitas, ve nomas la cara de Hitler que tienen… Si Hitler fuera mexicano.

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