Before the Civil War, there was no West Virginia. Virginia seceded from the Union as a slave state. West Virginia, said “we’re not having any of that nonsense” and succeeded from Virginia and rejoined the Union.
After the election of Donald Trump, California went from “the land of fruit and nuts” to “the National Strategic Guano Reserve.”
The absolute, self-righteous, elitist, Progressive arrogance of California spawned the Calexit movement.
California has decided that they have no interest in following any Federal law that they don’t like – i.e. one that challenges the Democrat hegemony – and declared themselves a Sanctuary State.
Because simply not complying with Federal immigration law is not enough, California had to take their defiance to 11.
The Attorney General of California declared that he will prosecute any California business that helps Federal agents execute immigration law.
The Attorney General of California will prosecute US citizens and California residents who comply with Federal law.
California will punish US citizens who obey the laws of the nation.
I just want to make that point clear. This is absolute lawlessness.
This is right in wake of the first state wide comprehensive study of the effects of illegal immigration on crime, done in Arizona, which shows that illegal immigrants are far more prone to criminality than US citizens or legal immigrants.
California is turning Federal law abiding US citizens into criminals to protect criminal illegal aliens.
It seems that history is about to repeat itself, with the inland population deciding that they want nothing to do with their unreasonable coastal brethren.
Behold the proposed state of New California.
New Californians are tired of the antics of the coastal elite, who ignore their needs and squander the money on pet projects for LA and the Bay.
I for one, fully back this initiative. A two state solution would be perfect for California.
[…] via Two State Solution […]
seceded. not succeeded.
I like it too. A good way to set this up would be to have the Calexit referendum, then split the state according to which counties support Calexit. It will probably look about like that map, perhaps even less blue than that.
The same could be done in Oregon and Washington, perhaps?
Im looking forward to how this turns out. Its about time people start standing up for FREEDOM. Democrats have come out and said illeagals are essential for the dem party to survive. Dems are more concerned about 800K dreamers than YOU America.. remember that next Nov.
I’m all for a two state solution for California. Now, if we here in upstate New York could separate ourselves from that overflowing progressive sewer at the foot of the state, we’d be all set.
Details look really weird there, because of things like San Diego and San Jose, but California is pretty much two states already, just like HP says about New York. Victor Davis Hansen has written lots about how different the coastal blue counties are from the western part of the state.
The problem is the deep blue counties in those places won’t allow that revenue to get away.
I think they need to go further, split San Francisco, Los Angeles etc. into an entity called Lalaland, and make it a territory like Puerto Rico so it can be “sovereign”, but has no power in Congress, can’t vote in presidential elections and residents can’t run for President. If they don’t like federal laws, take away their statehood.
Oregon and Washington could be split, although that does remove what little restraint there is on the West side Democrats so it hurts the Willamette Valley and Puget Sound areas.
I still prefer Calexit, with Lalaland leaving the Union (good riddance!) and the rest of California staying.
It would never happen peacefully, the cities need our water and they don’t want to buy it.