From FOX News in LA:

Gascón to downsize, rename LA County DA Hardcore Gangs unit, sources confirm

Sources in the LA County DA Office’s Hardcore Gangs told Melugin that they were informed by the office’s upper management Wednesday evening that their unit will be downsized. On top of the downsize, the unit will be renamed because “administration doesn’t like it,” Melugin reports.

“So there isn’t going to be a hardcore gang unit anymore, because I guess the DA, George Gascon, finds that term offensive to the community,” a prosecutor in Gascón’s office told FOX 11 under the condition of anonymity.

The prosecutor was one of the members of the unit who were called to the meeting to learn that the Hardcore Gangs unit was going to be downsized.

The Hardcore Gangs unit is one of the oldest units in the office and it’s responsible for prosecuting the most heinous and complex gang-related crimes in the country. In Melugin’s report from two weeks ago, prosecutors had said they feel they’ve already been hamstrung by Gascón’s decision to ban them from using gang and gun enhancements. With that in mind, prosecutors told Melugin earlier in the month that disbanding the Hardcore Gangs unit will be a disaster waiting to happen, given the surge in violent crimes across Los Angeles.

This really needs to be understood.

Most human beings find it very hard to cause real horrible physical pain to others.  We have empathy, and that is hard to overcome.  A US Army study after WWII showed that 80% of soldiers could not line up the sights on an enemy solder and kill him.  Casualties were pray and spray or artillery or aerial bombardment.

Modern military training is designed to make soldiers killers by making shooting reflexive.

A man who can deliberately cause pain and kill is a rarity.

The best way to find these men is to look for people who have already caused pain or killed, many of whom are criminals.

So when a group needs knee-breakers, pipe-hitters, and killers, they look to recruit from violent criminals.

The Soviets did this.  The blamed these men’s crimes on Capitalism and said they were victims. Then the Soviets gave them uniforms and made them political enforcers, prison guards, torturers, jobs that required the ability to hurt and kill.

Che did the same in Cuba, Pol Pot in Cambodia, and Chavez in Venezuela.

So why disband the Hardcore Gangs Unit or dismiss charges against Antifa?

To protect and carry favor with the meanest thugs on the street so that they can put a uniform on them and make them political enforcers.

Mark my words.  Next will be a policy, in the name of equity and reparations, to rake these “disadvantaged” violent gang members and give them government jobs.  They won’t be called enforcers, they will be “community relations” or something benign and anodyne sounding, but that’s what they will be.

Sometimes it sucks knowing history because you can watch it repeat itself but can’t do anything to stop it.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Understand this: there is a reason that a Leftist would shut down the gangs unit”
  1. Not only will the government recruit these goons stormtroopers, but the few businesses left will hire them both to pay the protection money and to provide islands of security in a sea of chaos. All in the name of racial equity. Note to the DA’s office, don’t put the Bloods in the same unit as the Nortenios.

  2. Only in democrat run cities where evil bang sticks are impossible for regular folk to get…. out here in America they will get thier ass kicked.

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  4. Sometimes it sucks knowing history because you can watch it repeat itself but can’t do anything to stop it.

    Cassandra’s curse, from Greek mythology. She was blessed with the gift to see the future, but cursed that nobody would believe her.

  5. “A US Army study after WWII showed that 80%…”. Did you even read the very article at that link? It largely dispels the ideal that 80-85% of US soldier in WW2 didn’t fire directly at the enemy. It’s BS.

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