From reddit/r/guns

In order to be considered a “Unicorn”, a gun must meet at least 3/5 of these *official* requirements: (1) No longer in production / no longer available in the United States / never went into production / prototype (2) Less than 1,000 made of the specific model, as it came from the factory / Less than 1,000 available in the United States (3) Cost at least $1,000 USD, current (2013) market price (4) Unique caliber(s) and/or mode(s) of operation (5) Historical, cultural, or political significance

via Unicorn Guns – Imgur.

It is a great list with several that I would not mind having if the funding was available like the Wildey and the Bren 10. Some guns did die a most necessary death.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Unicorn Guns: A list of interesting weapons.”
  1. Colt made a 10 called the Delta Elite. it ran about 850 dealer cost. I didn’t realize that Wildey had went out of business. The last price I got from them was 1250 with a retail of around 1800. I want a good 10 but the Bren is out of my reach. Jeff Cooper loved it.

  2. They left out my Springfield Armory Bureau Model. +/-200 total built, 54 sold to the public before the FBI told Springfield to halt all production. They didn’t like the “Bureau Model” slide roll mark and the “FBI” serial # prefix.

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