Hi everybody. Just a few sleepless seconds abused to say I am still alive, but still dealing with a family medical emergency, to wit: Mom.

Without saying much, gthe other day (I already forget when) we had to call 911 for mom, and she recieved promt treatment at the hospital. But she is 87 and complications that I was not expecting suddenly arised and her mental accuity went out the window in a shoert span of time. Apparently is called Hospital Delirium and Jesus and little monkeys, it shocked the hell out of me to see her behave so different from the norm. Possibly the biggest shock has been that she did not know who am I closely followed by her combative behavior (I knew mine had to come from somehere)

More than likely, her illness is either related to an infection or a side effect from an antibiotic. And the effects should wear out once the treatment is finalized and off the meds.

So far, it looks like another 2 days in here. Y’all keep being nice to each other and I’ll try to drop a line sometime.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “Update from out of the pocket.”
  1. You have my empathy and best wishes. Meds can do strange things, especially in the elderly. So can the disorientation of hospitalization. I’m right behind you with my soon-to-be 84-year-old mother.

  2. Definitely, care for mom is more important that your presence on this blog.
    We will miss you, but fully understand your situation.

  3. Prayers for your Mother and her family and friends.

    I hope and pray that her normal self returns quickly. Please be patient and loving in the interim.

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