Gwen Shegda shared a bit more information in the Brady Facebook page and what she is trying to pass as warfare in her neighborhood is just a heavy case of NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard). Residents of Tudor Grove in Orange County, Florida have been complaining about a neighbor who shoots in his property. The location is rural and the shooting neighbor has been there way before the community was built so the county legally cannot do a thing. The following video explains the situation and shows that not only Gwen has issues with fibbing.
Residents concerned over nearby gun range:
Tudor Grove Community’s Facebook page informs the neighbors that they have contacted the ACLU, NRA, Brady, Million Mom March and I think even Senator Marco Rubio to see if they can do something about it. This post is rich:
I am thinking this is Gwen by the way she writes. Dear Gwen, it is called the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, not the Brady Campaign to Prevent Loud Noises. Fibbing about it is not kosher.
Eversince I moved out here to the lovely rolling tree-filled Shenandoah River valley from suburban Prince William county, we had to deal with firearms discharges every Friday.
Why? The local VFD or just the local club has a shotgun/pistol/shooting competition every Friday. And if she wants noise violations, she should come over here. The steep valley is shitty for cell and pager reception so a secondary (I assume) measure to call for the volunteers to get to the station is an old 1940s/1950s Air Raid siren that goes off at the oddest of times. Like 2am in the evening. It once went off at 1230 I assumed, because when I was on my way home from classes I had like, the firetruck, chief’s SUV, and ambulance race towards me on the dark winding road snaking alongside the Shenandoah.
My family and I got used to the noise and sporadic intensity in a week.
You know, it’s not fall until you hear the leaves rustling, the music ( in my case, J-pop/Techno/Video Game music) playing softly inside the house/car, and that not too random bam…bam… of a shotgun or two as the sun sets on a Friday evening.
I think if I was looking to buy a house there I would go find the homeowner with the range and ask if he would let me use it if we became neighbors.
That would just be a bonus.
So because they buy a house without doing due diligence, the gun owner who was there first, not breaking any laws, enjoying his property – has to stop what he has always done?
In what world does that make sense?
Hey, maybe they can move next to an airport and then get it shut down…..There are plenty of houses under the flight path of DFW available.
That’s what Austin did. They shut down the Robert Mueller Airport and moved to out to Bergstrom for that very reason. But that’s Austin and it’s idiotic liberal policies.
I think I met this guy in a gun store a while back. His granddaughter competes in Western style shooting from horseback, and is a very successful competitor.The guy appeared to be very knowledgeable when it came to firearms and safety.. If this is the same guy, it is highly unlikely that there have been any stray rounds.
There’s the same thing going on in the Charlotte, NC area. The homeowners association has apparently bankrupted themselves harassing the guy because he shoots his Tommy Gun on his home range. Of course, he also lets all the local cops, sheriff’s deputies, and judges shoot there too.
“I am not against the right to BARE arms. ”
I think that about sums up what we are dealing with here.
“he’s shooting into a berm” that means a dirt wall…a THICK one..not unlike the La system or berms and levies you pansy little pissants.
I dunno how berms are constructed, but If it were me I’d probably fill the middle with a concrete wall or something else as an added measure…
It depends on the range he’s firing from and with what particular calibre. Think about it..Solid packed dirt berm..behind that TREES..and lots of them. you REALLY think that bullet is going to go THAT far? The dirt berms they use at some of the outdoor ranges are more than 6ft thick..wider at the base of course. And it’s heavily wooded behind them. From the tree line in the’s almost exactly like that I suspect where the shooter has his range set up. Me? I ain’t worried.
This reminds me of the people who move into a neighborhood near the airport. The airport that has been there long before the neighborhood. The airport that everyone knows is there. 2 days after moving in they start complaining and trying to get it shut down and then throwing hissy fits when the logic of the situation is presented and the airport isn’t shut down. Choices people. They have consequences.
-laughs out laughing until his side opens up-
You honestly expect anyone to realize that? XD;; No one this day and age realize the consecquences of their actions. It’s like what the Joker said in the The Dark Knight. Dog Chasing cars. Just do. Dunno what he’ll do when he catches it. Etc…
Then again I’m young and inexperienced, so these people say. I should be up in arms over noise violations and anything to ruin my view of a happy bunny filled meadow.
No but my bunny filled meadow would be full of beer cans riddled with holes from a high FPS airsoft gun and littered with .22LR shell casings.
and a bunny carcass or two?
[…] Miguel reads about an Anti on Facebook who is making up stories in attempt to shut down a shooting range. Sebastian breaches the discussion about anti-gun yuppies buying houses within earshot of gun […]