10th Mountain is not happy about the ass-grabbery posted online.

I just want to say, as to the original video, remind me again how civilians can’t take on the military with their AR-15s?

I bet I could put together a squad of USPSA, IDPA, and 3-Gun shooters who have never served in uniform and do a better job of clearing a shoothouse.  At the very least, they won’t muzzle each other as much.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Update on the butt clenching”
  1. “We’ll run this to the ground.” Will he then “Circle Back” on that? Apparently he has to rely on the public to point out the problems with the training activity rather than the cadre running the exercise.

  2. “I bet I could put together a squad of USPSA, IDPA, and 3-Gun shooters who have never served in uniform and do a better job of clearing a shoothouse. At the very least, they won’t muzzle each other as much.”

    You do not need to go that far. I bet I could put together a squad of average shooters with more than 15 minutes of hands on training with a RSO and do better. Heck, I could have done better after reading a NRA pamphlet on gun safety.

  3. Let me see now. He says this is not the standard and he’ll fix it. Ok so far.

    But how come he did not know this happened? Did no one with a functioning brain see the event or the video? And he said this happened several months ago. Is he so clueless about his team that this sort of major f***up can happen and go unnoticed, unreported, and uncorrected for “several months”?

    The tweet’s comments are 98% praise for the CSM. I can’t see why. I’d love to hear reactions from those who are (unlike myself) ex-military, especially ex-NCO.

  4. If I know the military, what will get fixed is the fact that it was leaked. Most of the classified stuff I saw when I was in were things that would embarrass the military if the public found out about it.

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