I brought you the news that USSOCOM hired a Trump-hating HR shit-bag to be the Diversity and Inclusion Zampolit for the Special Forces.

His Trump Tweets went around the internet and after much backlash he has been reassigned.

Fox News Channel reported on Torres-Estrada’s reassignment, with a spokesman telling the network he would be ‘assigned to other duties pending the results of the investigation.’

‘The Commander has directed an investigation to look into the facts surrounding Mr. Torres-Estrada’s selection,’ Ken McGraw, a spokesman for the U.S. Special Operations Command, told Fox. ‘It would be inappropriate to comment on specifics until the evaluation is complete.’

Pentagon spokesman John Kirby confirmed the investigation as well at Monday’s press briefing.

Kirby said SOCOM head Gen. Richard Clarke is probing the matter and has the backing of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.

He hasn’t been fired, they are just investigating.

He needs to be reassigned cleaning field latrines with his tongue or holding up the plywood targets A-10 pilots practice their strafing runs on.

So does everyone who hired that guy without vetting his Tweets, or worse, vetting them and not understanding what they were a problem.

I have a feeling this guy will fail upwards but at least there was enough public backlash for them to make a show of investigating him.

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “Update on the USSOCOM Zampolit”
  1. At least they tried to put that suppository up the arse of folks who don’t and won’t play games.

    I sure hope our soldiers, airmen, sailors and Coasties are taking note of the Bidet administration’s gross and very public efforts to turn our military forces into international laughingstocks.

    You can ONLY get loyalty when you give respect and loyalty.

  2. “Kirby said SOCOM head Gen. Richard Clarke is probing the matter and has the backing of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.“

    I think that blurb explains it all. I’m betting SOCOM pushed back. I’d be willing to bet that if it were Big Army, no one would have said shit if they had a mouthful.

    Now I’m guessing, like you said, if he’s removed he’ll fail upwards to a nice cushy gig at the 5-sided monument to Murphy’s Law that is the Pentagon and continue making that sweet, sweet SES money.

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