I have actual news and more video about my earlier post Neighborhood pushback.

From Fox News:

Pro-Police protesters clash with BLM demonstrators in Colorado

Counterprotesters got involved in a violent confrontation with pro-police supporters at a Back the Blue rally in Fort Collins, Colo. Saturday, which ended with the arrests of three people.

The pro-police attendees said two different groups of counterprotesters — consisting of Black Lives Matter supporters and what appeared to be members of Antifa — joined the event. They also claimed a faction from one of those two groups attacked a veteran who was in a wheelchair, according to The Collegian.

The whole video from one of the pro-police marchers was posted online.

You can see that some of the Antifa were arrested.

While I am supportive of the pushback, and completely believe that these people should be introduced to a nice piece of hickory whenever they cause trouble in a community, I am also wary.

Elsewhere in Colorado, just a week before, other protesters showed up to harass a community with guns and plate carriers:

The mob holds a grudge.

I’d be legitimately afraid that the mob will return to settle the score.

What I am absolutely sure of is that things are going to get worse before they get better.


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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Update to Neighborhood pushback”
  1. Disappearances need to be widespread. If individuals disappear randomly, the mob will just assume they are somewhere else.

  2. What’s needed is to find the leaders and funders.
    Some reports mentioned people lurking in the back of these riots, in cars without license plates. Some reports indicated those individuals wore body armor. Chances are those are the controllers, or liaison to same. Those are the people to be identified and investigated.

  3. “… things are going to get worse before they get better.”
    I believe that things are going to get worse before they get much worse.

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