By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “US technology makes great advances on Tear Gas Technology according to Alyssa Milano”
  1. As with most progtards, this lying hypocrite bag of expired vinegar conveniently only remembers history from 2016 ’till today.

    Her exalted muslim “chosen-one” did the same back in 2013 but where’s the twatter storms and calls for boycotts? :::crickets:::

    Yeah, I know. “But… but… TRUUMPP!!!1!!11” is all you idjits can say.


  2. There’s video floating around on fecesbook already. No women or children in evidence.
    I’ll see if I can find it and send it to Miguel there.

  3. You know, maybe I am living in an echo chamber or something, but I do not recall anything like this kind of vitriol directed against Obama or Hillary. To be honest, I spend zero hours a week on social media, so frankly, I do not know.

    I just do not remember seeing asswipe, POS, etc… being used when Obama was in the office. At least not from someone with a recognizable name.

  4. Also ignoring the fact that the people were throwing rocks at the time. Isn’t it odd that the left is always screaming about how women should be treated the same as men, until it is to their benefit not to be treated the same?

  5. I say we pick up about 20 of them and drive them to her house let them loose and tell them that there is permanent citizenship for the first person to make it inside. And it is hidden somewhere int he house so they will just have to ‘find’ it once in. Let’s see if she isn’t ready to use teargas then…

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