Leggat, the security consultant, said intelligence reports from his colleagues indicate most of the hard-core protesters in Minneapolis are far-left or anarchists, and that far-right groups have not yet made a significant appearance. He said looting is typically done by locals – usually people with no criminal record who just get caught up in the moment.

But direct conflicts with authorities come from a mix of both locals and outside groups who see these conflicts as a core part of their mission. Many of the anarchists, he said, target banks, chain-type businesses and even luxury cars as symbols of corrupt institutions. He said even a peaceful protest can turn violent if outside agitators decide to participate, hijacking the message.

‘There are anarchists’: Minnesota officials say ‘outside agitators’ are hijacking peaceful protests

For so long they have been convinced by the words of their political Overseers that the ones to fear are the Alt-Right, that Antifa went unchecked and even had a full city governance in approval of their actions. They ignored a true domestic enemy while chasing a ghost that has had no influence pretty anywhere other than their own front pages.

And I am being nice in this post. I am assuming USA Today and its corps of Editors were simply dumb and did not catch the obvious truth in front of their noses rather than knowingly being accomplices to this mayhem by ignoring to print Antifa’s past offenses.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

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