According to his LinkedIn page, he has never served in the military and is a career HR weenie.

It’s like some people in the Biden Administration and Pentagon watched Blackhawk Down, Zero Dark Thirty, and 12 Strong and said: “You know, our Special Forces might be highly effective but they are just too straight, too white, and full of too much toxic masculinity.  We need to do something about that.”

The SEALs may never be able to hunt down another terrorist mastermind ever again, but at least they will have transgender representation in the unit.


This guy is ridiculously anti-Trump.



You already knew that, of course. But this is the guy who is going to diversify our Special Operations community.

Just wait until the new Navy SEALs think about Trump supporters the way the old SEALs thought about Bin Laden.

Mark my words, that’s the goal.


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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “USSOCOM is going to get f**ked – Update”
    1. I remember “12 strong”. It’s one of only about 1% of movies I have seen that I rated just one star. What a stinker. It could have been a really good movie of a great story, but it was totally butchered.

  1. I can here the Spec Ops troops now as they’re told about the new Gov “leader”.

    “Chief of fuckin’ what?”

    “How the fuck is that supposed to help us kill bad guys better?”

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