By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Uvalde PD Memes”
  1. This tragedy is a great opportunity for democrats to demonize cops again….. wondering why they are not….oh, I forgot, its GUNS…

  2. People keep saying these are brutal, and to some degree they are, but I haven’t heard a single instance of one of the Uvalde Keystone Kops doing the “right thing.” How any one of them can willingly show their face in public after that debacle is beyond me. If they were “just following orders” that would have been the perfect time to say “F— that” and ignore the orders. The other possibility is that they really are a bunch of p—ies. Either way, they stood around while children died. Should never show their faces in public ever again.

  3. The amazing thing is that people are still saying that they waited an hour before they went in. Not true. After they stood around for an hour, REAL law enforcement officers (Border Patrol) went in. As far as can be gleaned from reports so far, the police never went in at all until real law enforcement had taken down the murderer.

  4. I grew up in Texas and still live in Texas…
    I used to have great respect for our local Police…
    Then Uvalde happened…
    Remember when the gun grabbers take your ability to protect yourself and your family,
    Then YOU will have to watch as the Uvalde PD types protects YOUR kids to DEATH…

    MSG Grumpy

  5. I’ve been thinking about law enforcement types for a while. From the cops during the past several years riots, to the most fbi agents are good guys, to the dept of JustUs prosecuting conservatives but not fascists/marxists/demoncrats and just see all that as proof that America is really dead as an entity. It just has so many interlocking pieces that haven’t failed, yet, but they are all on their deathbed and no life support available. A New Dark Age is here, but most haven’t realized it, but no one will be able to ignore what’s coming much longer. I look for invasions from a lot of countries, not least/last Mexico. Real invaders, not just illegal aliens, China/Russia/Cuba/ragheads will all be here soon. Oh, didn’t I mention the un and Canada? It will be a free for all, trying to grab their share. Hard times make hard men, but Americans have been getting soft for to long, I don’t know if there are enough men to even slow the desolation, much less stop the Dark Age. My one regret? I’m to damned old and crippled to take the destruction to the suckcockers, I can only wait till they get to me. Good luck and may God have mercy on the innocent.

  6. I could see Sara Silverman making a joke like that back in the day before she made her money and decided comedy should have rounded edges and padding.

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