Mike Pompeo is Trump’s nominee for Secretory of State.

Yesterday, he was questioned during his confirmation hearing by Senator Cory Booker.

This happened:

Yes, you saw that correctly.  A sitting United States Senator tried to disqualify a former Congressman and CIA director as the Secretary of State because the man has a dislike of ass fuckery.

What this says about the state of America is incredible.

The First thing to note is just how fast Booker is to throw out Article Six of the Constitution.

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.

Technically Booker can’t say “we don’t want you because you are a Christian.”  So what he is doing is saying “we don’t want you for holding a normal, mainstream Christian belief.”  Which is essentially the same thing.

The whole point of prohibiting religious tests for office was to protect minority rights.  Under Booker and the Democrats, the minority seems to think it has the right to ban the majority religion from office, flipping the point of the article on its head.

But the big picture takeaway of this exchange is that Cory Booker, representing Left Wing Democrat America seems to believe that any form of personal standards or values is equal to bigotry.

If you asked me “do you think that gay sex is a perversion?”  I will say “Yes, butt sex is gross.  Ewww…”

That is a personal standard.  Should that disqualify me from a job or an elected office?

There are a lot of personal and sexual behaviors that are gross, but the opinion of Senator Booker and the people he represents, is that thinking that is wrong.

Second, what this demonstrates beyond any doubt is that Senator Booker and the Left he is part of cannot compartmentalize.  There is no separation of the  personal, professional, and political.

Essentially, if I think that butt sex is gross, I cannot help but dislike (or even hate) people who have butt sex, and then I will undoubtedly use whatever power I have to oppresses that person.

This is in stark contrast to the Christian value of “hate the sin, love the sinner.”  The point that Pompeo was trying to make and Conservatives seem to understand is that it is possible to disagree with one aspect of a person but still respect them as a person and treat them fairly as an employee.

I value the good work that you do, I just don’t want to hear about your butt sexcapades.

We have seen this all over America recently, especially on college campuses, the idea that disagreement is oppression.

The natural – if not slippery slope – outcome of this is a valueless society.  Anything goes all the time because anytime one person exerts a personal value, they commit the ultimate offence of being a bigot.

Oh wait, we’ve already seen that in the UK where gangs of Muslim men have engaged in massive child sex grooming rings which were totally ignored by the police in fear of being Islamophobic.

This is just another tick mark in the “pro” column for justifying a national divorce.  A sitting US Senator wants to put having a Secretary of State who is strong on American defense and the economy below a Secretary of State who is completely accepting of ass fuckery.

As long as no one feels judged for their sexual predilections by a member of the Cabinet, who care how many of our embassies burn down.

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “Values, Equality, and Butt Sex”
  1. They are trying very hard to muddle the line between belief and acceptance.

    I accept and respect gay/lesbian folks. What they do in the privacy of their homes is their biz, not mine. As long as they’re competent at their jobs, rock on.
    But when people try to force their beliefs on me, and tell me that I “must change” my own beliefs to match theirs, that the claws come out and the f-bombs fly.

    Progtards are trying to make any “belief” that doesn’t match theirs a crime. It’s hive-mind or nothing.

    1984 thought-police, anyone?


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